Has anybody had a stricture?

I had RNY surgery April 9 and for the past 4 weeks I had been throwing up everything I ate. I just had an endoscopy and I had a sticture. It only happens to 5% of people with this surgery. It was corrected but my Dr. says it could happen again. Has anybody else had this problem?    — nanabana (posted on June 9, 2007)

June 9, 2007
i had my surgery sept 18, 2006, i have had NO problems. My daughter had hers 3 years prior and had a stricture. She was the same way, not able to keep anything down, not even water. They did an esophageal dilitation and she has been fine since. The doctor did tell her that it can happen again but so far it hasn't. jan
   — jan0859

June 9, 2007
Hi, I had surgery April 24 and I just had my endoscopy done last Monday, and I have to have another on 6-25 because he could not get dilated to what it was to be. Good luck!!
   — flutterby52

June 9, 2007
Strictures seem to be a common complication but once corrected usually do not happen again.
   — Sheri A.

June 9, 2007
Hi. I had my RNY proximal open/not lap, on June 23, 2003. I was the stricture queen!!! I had 7 strictures. Very unusual though, but it can happen. Several friends had them also, but the majority don't. I was dialated each time. Mine came every 2 weeks to the day, until my 7th dialation, then no more. I lost 133 pounds and have kept all of it off except 10 pounds. I am doing fabulous. Best of luck now and always. Kathy Riffle...West Virginia....God Bless You and Yours
   — Kathy R.

June 10, 2007
I had my surgery 2/27/07. My strictures were at 2 weeks and at 4 weeks. My Dr. says that it is the sign of a healthy healer. My body just made lots of scar tissue. No problems since, although my taste buds are changed. Everything tastes funny, so I feel I have to force things down. At support group, the general consensus it that this may last until I am about 6 months out. So until then, I am just dealing with it. Surgery was THE best thing I've ever done for myself. 3 months & I'm down 86 lbs!!! So hang there. "This too shall pass". God Bless. MKK
   — asinmouse

June 10, 2007
I had my surgery on May 1st & had to go into the hospital just this past wk due to a stricture & my Dr told me the same thing
   — JMerth

June 10, 2007
I am two years out and just went in for this. It is an out service and it was a piece of cake, lol... You'll do fine and I haven't had any other problems.
   — WilsonCrimson

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