Is it possible to stretch out the stomach at 6 months out, by overeating?

I find myself eating more on some days and other days eating less. I don't feel like I overeat, until I get done eating and my stomach hurts or I feel sick.    — glennk (posted on December 1, 2006)

December 1, 2006
Hi... I don't know about stretching your stomach out, it is possible, certainly. It sounds like it has more to do with the speed that you are eating. I know that I have the same problem at times and I am 1 month out. And, when I have thought back on the differences, it has been that I have eaten too fast and the bloated, sick feeling doesn't come until after I stop. I am eating the same portion size, but it may have a different consistency and I have eaten too fast.... hope this helps.
   — Kari_K

December 2, 2006
I am almost 3 years out, and I comletely understand your concern. I have lost 120 pounds, and have kept it off. Sometimes I eat and by the time I begin to feel full, I have eaten too much and suffer from being too full! It takes a good hour for me to recover from that. I hate that feeling. The answer to your basic question is yes you can stretch it by overeating, so be careful. If you want to know how big your pouch is, you can eat cottage cheese, as much as you can for 5 minutes. If you eat 4 ounces, that how big your pouch should be. I hear it is a pretty accurate test. Protect your pouch, it is important. What you are doing (if you are similar to me) is listening to your head and not your body. Obesity is a head issue with a body consequence. Sometimes I listen to the lust in my head for food and respond by eating, when my body gets the message, it is too late, I am too full. You have to retrain your mind, and fight one battle at a time, everyday. It will be an everyday issue. Some days will be easier, some not. I love my pouch, and after much prayer, this was the right decision for me, but it is still work to lose and keep weight off, don't every forget that, it is always work. I wish you well. If you take care of your tool, it will be useful for a lot of years. Protect it and use it. Do what you need to in order to fight the head issues. Congratulations on your surgery and success, keep it up. Exercise, water, and educate youself about this surgery after the fact. Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

December 2, 2006
I'm 12 yrs out and some days I feel like I'm eating way too much and other days, I wonder who gave me a brand new pouch! <shrug> In discussing this at support groups, that seems to be the pattern for most of us. Piggy days & bird days, sorta.
   — vitalady

December 3, 2006

   — Heather L.

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