AM i losing enough weight?????

I had the bypass july31 2006 and lost 38 lbs in the first two months. I have not lost 1lb since the first of October. Is that normal? I hardly eat at all.    — KimASmith (posted on October 18, 2006)

October 18, 2006
If you have no other problems other than the weight loss stopping, I would think you are not getting enough food into you and your metabolism has shut down, which is what had happened to me. Increase your protein big time and cut out as much fat as possible. Your body needs food to keep your metabolism going if you are not eating enough your body goes into starvation mode and weightloss will stop and you will start to lose muscle.
   — WMKaisla

October 18, 2006
I had the surgery on July 25, 06. I am down 56 lbs. I had a stall about week 3 for 3 weeks. Then I lost a bunch more weight. Are you getting all of your protein in everday? Have you been taking your vitamins? Also how often are you working out?
   — danals24

October 18, 2006
I had my surgery Lap RNY on July 27. Lost 30 lbs and then stalled for about 3 weeks. I am now starting to lose again. I am getting in all my protein and then some, take all my vitamins and excercise. The stall is just normal.
   — ccstann

October 18, 2006
Your not eating enough. Think of your metabilism as a fire, you have to keep feeding it to keep the fire burning. Eat 6 small meals a day. It worked for me. And don't forget to move, I walk a mile and half a day. I lost a hundred pounds and so far maintained it for over a year.
   — smparker2

October 19, 2006
Since most posters think that this is related to your food intake, it would probably be really helpful for you to respond question including what your daily intake is (or resubmit the question).... In my experience, "hardly eating at all" varies tremendously from person to person. If you could post a sample menu of what you eat in a day... including both what you are eating/drinking plus the amounts (cups or ounces), I think you will get a better/more specific response regarding you intake and weight loss. My guess is that you are experiencing a stall. If you're eating the correct foods/amounts (as specified by your surgeon/nutritionist) and you continue to not lose, it would probably be a great idea to contact your surgeon and see if he has any "tricks" to help you jumpstart the weight loss (and to make sure your bypass is functioning as intended). I know not losing for several weeks is very disappointing, but hang in there. Thirty-eight pounds in two months is still great. Even reducing your weight by just 5 to 10% reduces your risk for several obesity related health problems... so even with a 38lb weight loss, you've already done some pretty great stuff for youself... and I'm sure you'll continue to lose more.
   — mrsidknee

October 20, 2006
I have been told that if your not losing lbs, measure yourself. You maybe losing it in inches and not pound. I slowed down to about 2-3 lbs per month and the dietican measure me on my last visit and I have lost alot of inches. Make sure you eat and get your protein in to.
   — Peggy P.

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