When did YOU Advance???

I am officially 1month post op, and technically I'm supposed to stil be on a full liquid diet...but...I advanced myself weeks ago to a soft diet. Nothing major, just eggs, chicken noodle soup(not strained), augratin potatoes, things like that. My dietician and doctor said that was fine, just long as I chew it well (which of course I have). But I just want to hear from a few of you as to when you started solids and what did you start with and what type of foods are you eating now. That way I can get some ideas of different things to eat instead of the same ole stuff all the the way... I've lost 37 pounds 1month post op.....SO HAPPY!!! :)    — PoohBearNC (posted on July 21, 2006)

July 20, 2006
I started on a soft diet after about 3 weeks, I had know problems but I had a VBG, so I do not know if that makes a difference.
   — WMKaisla

July 21, 2006
I would stick with the diet that your surgeon and/or NUT recommended. They have lots more experience than you or I have (most likely) .... Just my humble opinion. Annette
   — peacefuldaizy

July 21, 2006
My surgeon recommends you start on solids at 4 weeks out. However, I started a week early and did just fine. I am 2 months post op and I can eat anything as long as I chew it well. Hope this helps and good luck with your weight loss.
   — tia24tx

July 21, 2006
My surgeon has us on Solid Protein before he'll release you from the hospital. And just proteins for 6-12 months depending on how much one needs to lose. Deffinitely no carbs at all such as noodles in soups.
   — Michael Eak

July 21, 2006
Sounds like EVERY surgeon has their own plan for their patients; I really trust mine and will wait for the 3 week period of just a liquid diet following surgery (mine was July 11th, so I'm counting the days until August 7th when I graduate to soft foods!:O) He suggests eating anything that you can puree! And doing this for another month...Congrats on your success already, but I'd be careful to do only what he or his nutritionist tell you!
   — zoeysgrami

July 21, 2006
I barely went a week on a liquid diet. I was getting sick from the liquids so the nutritionist told me to start to add the soft foods. I was fine after that and did great. I did have to make sure everything was chewed well and I was very careful. I've lost about 100 lbs in 10 months and still am continuing to lose and I do eat a lot of carbs, especially pasta. I will try most foods, however, my portions are very very small still. I do not dump but do get stomach pains if I eat something I shouldn't and do not eat it again. I finally feel like a normal person who can say no to food or try it if I want to without guilt since I know I can now stop eating and do after only a small amount. I have several friends who've had the surgery who eat about the same as me and others who can not eat much of anything. I think it depends on the person.
   — Lisarose10

July 22, 2006
Yes, Every Surgeon is differetn in what they do with their patients. Your best bet is try & stay away from the carbs. I lived on refreid beans with cheese on them for quite some time. Stick to your protein based foods Tuna with a light mayo only, Scrambled eggs with cheese for extra protein. If you learn now to stay away from those carbs believe me it will make a big difference later after the honeymoon period ends.(and it does) Ground Turkey in a little gravy worked for me in th early days but make sure you chew it well. Good Luck on your Journey. It is all worth. Learn those new eating habits now.
   — Marilyn C.

July 22, 2006
I was on liquids for a long time, per my dietician, not my doctor. I had trouble eating solids, though. You are doing great and it is obviously working, because you have lost a lot more than I did by a month!
   — Novashannon

July 22, 2006
Chile goes down easy and has a lot of protein. I ate Wendy's Chile after 2 1/2 post op.
   — smparker2

July 22, 2006
I would do what my doctor recommends. I advanced myself to fast and ended up vomiting frequently because I wanted so much to eat more "Normal" Well I'm 5 months post op now and eat just about anything now even tolerating breads real well. Don't push the bread issue early cause I could only tolerate "hard" tacos and crackers for a while. I still try to avoid bread as related to sandwiches because of portion size. Watch carbs. I'm down 107lbs now. Anything is possible. At 1 month post op I still had a hard time with Taco Meat. Ended up using more soups like "Chicken Corn Chowder" And the Chicken Fajita Soup. They make a great turkey chili with "no beans" very gasey on a recovering tummy. Twice baked potatoes. Yogurts I prefer the ones with fruit in them not the blended stuff makes it taste more real just watch calories, Tuna Salads I still don't do a lot of fish unless it's poached or baked in it's own juices try with lemon juice and dill weed on the fish makes it tangy.
   — Deborah Joyner

July 30, 2006
My nutritionist was absolutely clueless!!!! I followed my surgeon's plan; which was clear liquids for 3 weeks; full liquids for 3 weeks; soft foods for 3 weeks; then a regular diet. He wrote down the specific dates of when to advance to each diet. I followed that and never had a problem and it facilitated easy weight loss. With each phase, I was given a specific list of what I could choose from to eat. I wouldn't do anything that my surgeon did not recommend. I still do not chew gum or drink carbonated drinks. Compliance is the key to weight loss. 18 months and tolerating most of everything I want to eat w/ the exception of some absolute "NO NO" foods I don't tolerate pizza and greasy foods, milk and certain types of sugars.

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