Dry Throat?

Has anyone had problems with their throat since surgery? I had WLS jan 3 and earlier this week I woke up with this dryness in my throat to the point that it was hard to swallow. I thought maybe I had the heat up to high in the house, but it has persisted and I have been drinking to get rid of it but it wont go.......any help or insight?    — fitn06 (posted on February 10, 2006)

February 9, 2006
Your "dryness" may have something to do with your intubation during your surgery. You should contact your regular doctor and be examined to make sure there is no damage to your vocal folds and the surrounding tissues. This can have long lasting negative effects. Good Luck! Terri B. #2
   — dr._brown

February 10, 2006
I had lots of swelling and some ruptured skin in my throat after surgery. My throat hurt for 2 weeks really bad. I think I ended up on anti-biotics from secondary infetion in my throat from tube that was inserted. Certianly get it checked out so you can drink comfortably.
   — ppaige

February 10, 2006
Do check with your doctor, first. When I had my surgery in August 2005 I woke up in the middle of the night unable to swallow and then started taking a bottle of water to bed until my body got used to what had happened to it. After a month or so after I was able to drink more I didn't have anymore problems. I do wake up in the night if I haven't drunk enough fluids during the day. I have learned to keep a bottle of water at my bedside and take a big drink or finish the bottle and then I fall back asleep.
   — 1968 Loser

February 10, 2006
are you ,have you been dianosed for sleep apnea, useing your machine, with a humidifirer? or just have humidfier in the room may help. its that time of year. your need for more water durring the day may make the need for humidfication in general more important than before. they are cheaper than the copay of a doctors visit. and you can have the answer tonite.
   — walter A.

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