Michelle Curran's Profile

Michelle gives a lot of good info on this site I appreciate. I would love to read her Profile but not sure which "Michelle Curran" it is..Where can I find it? Thank You    — NANCY P. (posted on January 21, 2005)

January 21, 2005
It's here: You should also check out her website ( It has lots of good info.
   — mom2jtx3

January 21, 2005
There's more than one of me? There actually was another one in another state, but I'm in WA. Well, usually a state of chaos, but I don't think OH has that one listed. Yet. In case it's been awhile, I' 10+ yrs out, 5 yrs from revision (yesterday) and still 5'1", about 110-115. But 10 yrs older. haha
   — vitalady

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