Did anyone get muscel spasmas?

I have been getting muscel spasmas in my arms and legs. I am 15 days post op. They don't hurt just feel funny. Not sure what is going on.    — Julie M. (posted on February 16, 2002)

February 15, 2002
Just to be safe, PLEASE see you doctor as soon as you can. (Does'nt have to be your surgeon). Then have a blood test to check your electrolites... specificaly your POTASSIUM level. "If" it is low potassium it is vital to get your levels up to normal IMMEDIATLY! I can not stress this enough. "IF" it is low potassium, it is VERY DANGEROUS. It may not be that for you. I don't know. But potassium has to do with your muscles (the heart is a big muscle). Please DO NOT DELAY. Read my profile to see the mess low potassium got me into. You CAN have a heart attack with low potassium. Again, I can not say you have that problem... but when I hear about peoples muscles doing this kind of thing, then I worry about them. Good luck, and get going and have that blood test NOW!
   — Danmark

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