Has anyone felt like this??

I am so grateful to have had WLS..I am 7 wks post op and have lost 37lbs..This excites me to no end, but I am anxious that I will not lose another pound!!?? Does this sound familiar to anyone?? I suppose after yrs of yo-yo dieting I guess I can't Imagine that I could ever be thin and healthy! I am also semi-frustrated..I thought after nearly 40 lbs I would be in a smaller size..I started this journey in 26/28 and i'm still in the same size..I thought i would at least be 22/24..Like I said before I don't want to sound ungrateful, because even if i didn't lose another pound I fell fantastic to have 37 gone..thanks for all your support :)    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 25, 2002)

January 25, 2002
Thats EVERYONES fear, loss stalling out. I felt the same way at 242 pounds, dont worry now I weigh 199. Afraid my friends would laugh at me after surgery and everything and then just loose a small amount of weight. You will get there!
   — bob-haller

January 25, 2002
I am 7 wks out today and I feel the same way.... I'm scared to check my weight again because I'm scared the scale is stuck (as it was at about 3 - 4 wks out when I hit my first platou) But I know I can't stop losing here simply by compairing the diet pre-op to now... so... just hang in there with me we'll be big losers in no time :)
   — Elizabeth D.

January 25, 2002
Actually I felt the same way, and still do at 11 weeks out. My clothes took what seemed like forever to get big on me, but they were tight to begin with, so I actually could have worn a larger size. After losing 30 lbs. my clothes fit more comfortably. It will finally happen, and looking back it will seem like it happened so fast even though it may not seem like it now.
   — Cheri M.

January 25, 2002
Hi.. I am three months out and it has only been about one week that I am believing that I am not going to be the one in a hundred who fails. I have yo-yo dieted my whole life. Lose, gain, lose, gain more. That is because I was always a binge eater. Now, with my tool, I can't binge. So, I won't fail. My clothes also weren't as loose as I had expected. But, I was a in very tight 24 to 26. It took close to sixty pounds to now be a 22. I just keep telling myself that it is not a race.... Without the surgery, I might have been in a tight 26 to 28 by now! Good luck.
   — Julie S.

January 25, 2002
I'm just over 4 months post-op. My starting weight was 361. I've now lost 118 lbs and I weigh 243. When I first started, I said 170-180 was my goal. But, the thought of losing 180 lbs seemed impossible! Now, that I'm more than half way there, I STILL wonder if I will lose another pound! Judging by the response to your's a normal thought. Good Luck~
   — Kristin R.

January 25, 2002
These are commonly referred to as platueas. I'm 10 months out, have 40 pounds to go, and plateau all the time. You will lose, then stop for what seems like FOREVER, then out of nowhere, bam! you've dropped 5 pounds. Don't worry. The weight is gonna come off!! :)
   — Jennifer J.

January 26, 2002
I had surgery 12/28/00 - started at 250 and thought if I reached 190 - I'd be ecstatic and when I did, I realized that I really was going to lose this weight. I am now 154 and still would like to lose 20 lbs. I realize it will come off very slowly now but I know it will come off!
   — Lisa B.

January 31, 2002
Like you I felt the same way but something happened to me the other day and that changed my thinking fast. Back in October, I bought a beautiful dress off ebay and it was a 3x (26-28) or so I thought. It wouldn't fit, it was tight. I was so upset because this was my size. I had my wls Dec. 3rd and I am 8 weeks out now and last week I tried that ebay dress and guess what it slipped right on and I felt like a million bucks. I know not much, I have only lost 46 pounds but it is enough for me.
   — Denise S.

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