very common to have nightmares or hallucinations

After going home from gall bladder surgery years ago, I had codeine pain pills that made me hallucinate one night. I was must be similar to how someone feels flying high on drugs. I just clung to the couch so I wouldn't fall off. It lasted for a couple of hours. I told my doctor about it the next day and she said it's not unusual. Needless to say I quit taking the pills.    — Sherry M. (posted on November 14, 2000)

November 14, 2000
Nightmares & hallucinations are common side effects of pain meds. Different people have different reactions to different meds. Dosage levels can also effect the occurance of nightmares. For example, I can take "Alieve" and max out the recommended dosages or even double the OTC (over the counter) dosage. But the Rx of Naproxin gives me Nightmares;p The first time I took it, I woke up from the nightmare and was still "seeing things". Things were comming at me out of the walls & the ceiling fan above the bed. Fortunately I just told myself, "CALM Down, it's only the Drugs!". After my pulse was back under control, I was able to go back to sleep. If you suddenly begin having nightmares and you are on medication, especially a pain killer, make note of the name of the drug so you won't ever take it again. Unless of course you're the type of person that likes nightmares:) Also alert your Doctor so he can change your prescription and make a notation in your medical file. Any time you have a reaction to any drug, you should tell your Doctor for future reference, it could mean you're allergic. Or it could be that the combination of drugs, if you're taking more than one, has caused a reaction. There are Rx drugs that react to OTC Drugs. Be Safe, Not Sorry, when in doubt ask your Doctor or Pharmacist:) Sending Warm Healing Skinny Thoughts to All:) ttfn
   — Barbara I.

November 15, 2000
On my third day post-op, I woke up during the night with hallucinations (I saw a monkey flying across the room, and thought I was in a cabin in the woods...), and told my Dr. about it. He said it was due to the anesthesia they use during surgery and that it was "normal". Fortunately, at a year post-op, I no longer see that monkey! ;) Good luck! It is scary, and I would tell the anesthesiologist about your experience prior to your surgery. They can make adjustments, so my Doc tell me.
   — Peggy G.

November 15, 2000
I am so glad I am not the only one. Let me tell you girlfriend....I was on the Codine Elixir and Oh My god...I was having some awful nightmares. I thought i was going crazy. I never was a nightmare type of gal, but after my surgery and they put me on that medication, I was tripping. Everytime I would take it right before I go to bed, and here comes the dreams. I mean VIVID. I never dreamed so vividly in my life. Hey, I'm off codine now. I don't see how drug addicts do it. I need my right mind. lol..Well, don't feel bad..Seems as if this is a common effect of codine pills or elixer.
   — Angela A.

November 15, 2000
A friend of mine had hallucinations in the hospital after her gallbladder surgery! She woke up in the middle of the night and said she could smell something cooking. Then she realized it was the nurses station "cooking up" all the gall bladders that were removed that day. She was horrified! She also saw a big dog in the corner of the room, etc. I told her she should write a book, she could put Stephen King out of business!!!
   — Kristi S.

November 16, 2000
I had hallucinations while in the hospital after my WLS. Two different times I was given Valium to calm me down and I started hallucinating. Also when I came home and took the codeine I had nightmares. I wasn't in that much pain so I just stopped taking the meds and the nightmares have stopped.
   — Tammy B.

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