
   — angela14962002 (posted on January 23, 2010)

January 23, 2010
I was a vegan for over 20 years (until I discovered that I was allergic to just about ALL bean products--now I eat fish and chicken, but no red meat). I once went to donate blood but was told that I could NOT because I had TOO much iron. From what I understand, my diet, being very heavy with beans and soy products was TOO heavy with iron. It is quite possible to get more iron than you need as a vegetarian. The key is to eat veggie foods that are high in iron. Beans are a good source of iron, and should be eaten frequently. They should also be eaten with whole grains or nuts to give you a complete protein. There are other vegetable sources that are high in iron, such as spinach and other leafy greens. Focus your diet on those, and you should do fine. One caveat, however: Iceberg lettuce is nearly devoid of nutritional value, and should be avoided. If you must eat lettuce, eat a LEAFY lettuce, since those types tend to have more nutrition than the iceberg variety. There are many vegetarian products in stores today that can help you get the iron you need. Boca Burgers are made of vegetable sources (primarily--some have dairy, and if that is an issue with you, get the VEGAN Boca Burgers). You can find these products in almost every major store in the US now. Walmart carries them in the freezer section. These products are USUALLY supplemented with B-12 (which is usually another issue with Vegan vegetarians) and other vital minerals (Vita-Mins). ;-) They can help you get the minerals that you need, and help you AVOID the pills. I hope this helps.
   — hubarlow

January 24, 2010
I hope your doctor also has you on sub-lingual B-12. Your body can't use the iron without the B-12, and it's available over the counter. With iron tablets and B-12 supplementation, I don't see why you need to eat meat.
   — pshock

January 24, 2010
I am a vegetarian. I don't think protein will be an issue. I have found It is like yogurt. It has 22 grams of protein for 6 ounces. Greek yogurt has 11. The meat substitute poducts by Boca and Morning Star are high in protein. I can tolerate taking B12 and iron forever, if I need to. I don't know about vitamins from food. I would hope that a dietian who is sympathetic to vegetarianism could help.
   — MargaretHM

January 25, 2010
Being a veggie is so healthy, I love it. And now it is much easier to get good foods and even go out to eat. I hope I will lose well--tomorrow is my lap band surgery. I plan to stay in close contact with my nut. who has said it should be no problem. I went through 2 healthy pregnancies as a laco-ovo veg, The whey protein is helpful, also Kashi crunch and LF cheese, and egg whites. You will be fine, think positively!!!
   — fluffyallen

January 25, 2010
I'm 3 l/2 years out. About 4-6 months after my bypass, meat began to make me ill. I am starting just now to be able to add a little meat (one meatball, slice of luncheon meat) to my diet without dumping. Just make sure you take all your vitamins and watch your bloodwork.
   — cathmeister

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