2days before surgery and Im feeling really hungry and in a bad mood

This clear liquid diet is kicking my butt and I only have 1 more day of it but Im grumpy as a bear.Has anyone felt this way.    — jerry1960 (posted on January 18, 2010)

January 18, 2010

January 18, 2010
Jerry, if you've eaten anything, and it is still in your stomach they will cancel your surgery. The pre-op liquid diet made it a easy transition for the after surgery diet. You have to get your head wrapped around the whole idea emotionally and physically. Good Luck, I know you can do it! Robyn
   — robynann

January 18, 2010
Jerry, I think what you're feeling is part of the withdrawal of food and/or sugar. Like withdrawal from any addiction these feelings will go away. I am 3 years post op and very happy with my WLS. Good luck!
   — Muggs

January 18, 2010
Jerry, I am 3 wks and a day p/o for rny surgery. I was a complete you know what right before my surgery. I was hungry and cranky and made myself and everybody else miserable. I felt like the world was against me. You have a great deal of your plate (so to speak) right now. Just try to keep your hands and your mind busy and don't eat anything! Try drinking more water. Before long, you won't feel hungry at all for a long time! You can do this! I know you can! Keep us posted! Take care, Kristin
   — taylork25

January 19, 2010
Jerry your have not filled in your OH Profile so we don't know what your doing. Does your surgeon have you on just liquids or a program like the optifast shakes. Most people should start weaning off a lot of foods and drinks as soon as they decide to have these surgeries but wait till this pre-op regime. Thus like you the grumpiness is Carb/sugar withdrawls. Now you can only live with it.
   — Michael Eak

January 19, 2010
Hi Jerry, Been there done that! But you will make it through, I had a couple of really bad days and i had a piece of string cheese to get through it, nutritionist was ok with that,since it was protein.. also sugar free popsicle help ALOT...they are sweet and crunchy....
   — MarthaJ0110

January 19, 2010
I've got surgery scheduled tomorrow @ 9am; I know how you feel. I'm a bit nervous, but VERY excited!!! And I might have been a bit cranky the last couple of days...but it will be worth it.
   — sponge0

January 19, 2010
Jerry, you've made it this far, you can do one more day. Try to focus on something else. Do you have a hobby, or something else that will keep your mind off the hunger? Believe me we have all been there and survived the liquid diet:) When the weight starts to drop off, you'll be happy you stuck it out. Do not eat anything! YOU CAN DO IT! May God Bless You Abundantly!
   — KathieV

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