why is it that some doctors require you to go on a liquid diet and others don't. I as

   — missie34 (posted on January 9, 2010)

January 9, 2010
with my doc it depended on the weight or BMI. I was supposed to do 2 weeks but had surgery sooner than I expected so only had to do the weekend. The liquid diet shrinks the liver down so the surgery is easier both for the surgeon and you. Depends on the doc and what they prefer I am guessing.
   — Dawn A.

January 9, 2010
My doctors office just said they didn't do it.
   — kmom1420

January 9, 2010
In most cases, if a laparscopic surgery is going to be done, the pre-op weight loss shrinks the liver so it is easier to maneuver the laparscopic tools. Otherwise, the liver, which is highly vascular and can bleed like crazy, would get in the way. I had an open RNY so it wasn't an issue for me pre-op.
   — babs71958

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