Upcoming Surgiversary

Wow, I just realized that I am exactly one month away from the 1st surgiversary of my gastric bypass. I feel and look like a completely different person. Have lost more than 120 lbs and gone from a 26/28 to a size 14/16. This is a major landmark-- and I would love some ideas for ways to celebrate. Did anyone else do something special for the occasion?    — snickersblk (posted on September 16, 2009)

September 16, 2009
I chose to do something that I would have struggled with prior to surgery. We went hiking.
   — mst42

September 16, 2009
Go Shopping. I will celebrating my 5 year surgiversary next week. Did okay. Made it to goal and for the most part kept it off. Except for a few gains and losses. It's still a struggle everyday to keep it off. But can't let all the work and sacrifices go for naught. I don't want to wake up one day and have it just be a dream that for a short time, I was of normal weight.
   — smparker2

September 16, 2009
Congratulations on your huge success! I agree with Meg; do something that you didn't dare do 120 lbs ago (but really wanted to.) It can be as big as a beach vacation, as drastic as a tummy tuck, or just something that you will be able to say to yourself that it's a personal victory, like buying the pair of jeans you wanted to fit into, or climbing a big flight of stairs at a ball game. I am just 6 months out, and am looking forward to getting a pedicure at 350 lbs. (I'm at 351) because that's the weight limit on the pedicure chair. My nail lady says she'll give me a pedicure anyway, that she doesn't need to use the chair. That misses the point, so I'm waiting. It will be a REWARD!I'm trying to have REWARDS lined up all the way to the "finish" line!
   — jtoothman

September 17, 2009
Congratulations! I hit my one year anniversary yesterday, I had my post-op appt. with surgeon today and my lab work is very very good. He said I am a success story! Down 122lbs. and feel great. I didn't do anything special, but having extra energy and having my husband hug me close(when getting close before was not comfortable) is a great wonderful feeling! Let us always remember how good this feels!!!!
   — Sue1960slim

September 18, 2009
Thanks for the great ideas and positive words. Am still up in the air about what to do for the specific day, but life itself has become a celebration anyway. My sis (who had surgery 2 wks after me) and I went shopping last weekend. We giggled like school girls the whole time. I actually called my mom from the dressing room in tears of joy because I hadn't worn size 14 size 7th grade. I also have a big hiking trip w/ my dogs planned for the end of this month, something I haven't been up to in a couple of years. So I'm pretty psyched all around!
   — snickersblk

September 18, 2009
Congratulations. Go on a rollercoaster, party in the small bathroom stall for one. LOL I hated having to go in the big stall, but I couldn't fit it the smaller one. Sit on the couch and sit with your legs crossed and watch a good movie with popcorn (guilt free). Take a picture of your feet standing up. The reasons behind all of my suggestions is because after we loose the weight and get snuggled into our new bodies, we forget what life was like pre op. can now celebrate and reflect on how much you have changed for the better and you can now accomplish all of these tasks that I mentioned, which you probably thought, "this girl has lost her mind". Well, just celebrate till your heart is content. This will also remind you that you have made the best decision to get healthy.
   — Kristy

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