Is there anyone out there willing to share their story/be interviewed?

   — lauriejp (posted on June 13, 2009)

June 13, 2009
I am 6 yrs post lap band and would love to share my story with you. It has not been an easy road, but well worth the journey. Trish
   — dragonflier

June 13, 2009
I will share! I am only 4 months out, but I would love to share my story.
   — premdona

June 14, 2009
I would share my journey also. contact me at [email protected]
   — sandikellerrn

June 14, 2009
I am 2 years out & have lost 118 lbs. Would be glad to help [email protected]
   — Donna O.

June 14, 2009
I am 18 months out from RNY and have lost a little over 100 lbs. Lesleigh in Ga.
   — lesleigh07

June 14, 2009
I had RNY ON OCT 2, 2007 DOWN 139 LBS. I AM SOOOO HAPPY. You may contact me at: [email protected] be sure to put something in subject line to mget my attention to this.. Thanks Vickie
   — purplepassion555

June 14, 2009
Ar yoiu looking only for lap band subjects? I had the Duodenal Switch on February 25, 2009. To date, I have lost 91 pounds. My highest weight immediately post-op was 405. If you are only looking for Lap-Band subjects, I can't help you, but my story is a bit different, in thatmy weight contributed to my inability to work. I am on Social Security disability, but once my conditions improve (lupus, fibromyalgia, knee joint problems,urine incontinence, anxiety disorder, depression) I expect gto rejoin the workforce. I was once an award-winning radio jouralist. (Check 1990 Who's Who Among Black/African-Americans)
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 14, 2009
I am going through the approval process with my insurance company right now for Lap-Band surgery. I would be more than happy to help you with whatever you need. You can contact me at [email protected] My name is Kat Crandall. Look forward to chatting!
   — katmamacrandall

June 14, 2009
Since the lap band is only about 40% effective, that means it is 60% UNEFFECTIVE - and that would make it rather unfair to present only success stories to the public. You should represent this in a more honest fashion in my opinion - in accordance with the statistics.
   — zimra

June 14, 2009
I am 7 months post and I would love to share my story.
   — Annie_Marie

June 15, 2009
I am 3+ months out, down 92 lbs and would love to share my story.
   — amanda_g

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