Newbie here...

Hi Im 11 days post op and i wanna know can anyone explain to me how 1.dumping occurs, 2.what happens if u swallow too much food and it gets stuck AND to avoid dehydration and bowel obstruction? I guess im not asking the correct questions to my docs cuz I STILL dont understand these things and they are so quick to get me in and out sometimes I forget what I wanna say! Thanks sorry sooo wordy! :)    — bigthighcutiepie (posted on May 24, 2009)

May 24, 2009
Hi Newbie, congrats on your decision. Dumping occurs sometimes when you eat sugar. Well, you should be chewing your food really well so it doesn't get stuck. If you swallow too much, you will probably vomit. To avoid dehydration and bowel obstruction, drink at least 64 fluid ounces a day. It is very important to drink. The fluid keeps your bowels from constipation. Actual bowel obstruction can be from a lot of different things, like twisting of the colon, which you can't prevent. I hope I answered all your questions. Again congrats. What surgery did you have? Vickie
   — lpn_1992

May 24, 2009
Hi there. Dumping can occur when you eat too much sugar OR too much fat, and sometimes for no discernable reason at all. I have heard that 15 grams of sugar in a single sitting is kind of the line you don't want to cross. Most people don't eat more than 7 or 8 grams at one sitting, just because they don't want to precipitate dumping, which is VERY unpleasant. You get shaky, your heart palpitates, you break out in a sweat, and have horrible cramping and then explosive diarhhea, and you might be sick for 2 or 3 hours with it. I've never dumped (I'm 3 months out today) but, I've had food get stuck. You don't even have to have eaten "too much" for it to get stuck. I was getting stuck with one ounce of soft scrambled egg!! There is not much you can do about being stuck.... except get more and more uncomfortable as you swallow your saliva and it doesn't have any place to go, until you finally vomit. And I find that I can't just go in and MAKE myself vomit, I have to wait until my body says "OK, NOW it's time!" I was getting stuck and vomiting a LOT before my 6 week checkup, and they diagnosed me with a stricture. I had to go in for a dilation procedure. I just told them I wanted to be completely out for it, even though it only takes about 10 minutes, and it was over before I knew it... and no pain. And the best thing was, I was able to eat normally again. I had the dilation on April 24th... guess what? I feel like I'm getting another one.... food getting stuck, vomiting twice this week. Uggh. If you are experiencing stuck food, you won't be able to drink your necessary liquids, so there is every possibility that you might become dehydrated. If you Can make yourself vomit, that will clear the way for your fluid intake. But, you've got to have food and protein, too. So make sure you've got a lot of soft food and protein drinks on hand (Iso Pure in the 20 oz bottles counts as both protein AND water, and so do the New Whey bullets with 42 grams of protein). And I would definitely talk to your surgeon about the possibility you have a stricture, if your food is getting stuck. They showed me pictures of my stricture before and after the dilation.... WOW, what a difference! Hope this helps.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 24, 2009
Welcome. You have come to the right place to get answers. No question is a dumb question. So, ask away. I can not answer the question any better then the other people did. I just wanted to welcome you and wish you good luck. Have a great day.
   — dsquire

May 25, 2009
I never had bowel obstruction, dumping I have. Stay away from sugar, carbs. But you know that. I chew my food ( I am 13 months out) until its practically liquid. And I constantly have a drink with me (to the store, shopping, running errands etc). Sip, sip, sip not taking a "drink" is what helps too. I know its hard at first. I had food get stuck and it hurts. Like I said above, chew until liquid and take very little bites helps. Good luck and enjoy the new you.
   — okbuffy

May 27, 2009
If you feel comfortable giving me your email address I can send you some information that my doctor/hospital gave me when I had my surgery in November '08. It's in a book and I had some of the pages that I've scanned for others.
   — StrangePassion

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