I have huge red itchy, painfully itchy areas around where the staples were removed?
I have huge itchy red red areas where the staples were removedl.It is very painful, what will help/ — ajsp (posted on May 16, 2009)
May 16, 2009
I did too but before the staples were removed...I was allergic to the latex
in the glue or the strips they used to hold my staple line...and as a
result my staple area got infected and itchy and it was just awful...I took
benedryl for the latex allergy and itch and put neosporin on the inflamed
areas...The neopsporin helped the strips unglue faster too from the oils in
it, I guess! But if you are having trouble with the staples out and it's a
large red area, you need that looked at...It sounds like a bad
infection...You might need antibiotics! Go see your doctor! Don't let it
get worse!
— .Anita R.
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