irritable bowel
I am 5 months out and seem to be having irritable bowel cramping pain I had before surgery. Anyone else experience this? I will call my surgeon monday- any comments? — sueannel123 (posted on July 27, 2008)
July 27, 2008
Any chance that your foods are to heavy? I'm not sure, but the thought of
Diverticulitis came to mind. They had mentioned this as a possibility for
my husband.
— Breathin4him
July 27, 2008
Irritable bowl can be cleared up in very short time with a powerful liquid
vitamin/mineral supplement like VEMMA. It's full of anti-inflamatories.
Go to Any questions e-mail me at
[email protected]
— [Deactivated Member]
July 27, 2008
Always see your Dr. Do you chew?? I mean Chew your food? You may not be
ready for the type of food your eating. untill you dee yourDr, Try stepping
back and look at the type of food your eating. Your digestive system may be
still be sensitive. Just a thought.
— obx100
July 27, 2008
Are you drinking milk or protein drinks made w/milk products? If so, you
may be lactose intolerant (my husband is)...and if you are, it can cause
severe gas, diarreah, etc. Try to cut milk (hard cheese is OK), yogurt,
soft cheese, etc, out of your diet for a week or so and see if that helps.
Many people become lactose intolerant after WLS.
— Hollywog
July 27, 2008
Gall Bladder problems.
Post op infection.
Leaking -> infection.
... the list goes on. Yes do get in and see your surgeon or an ER doc and
at least get some blood work done.
— GaryLGreen
July 27, 2008
I had suffered irritable bowel syndrome for over 20 years. The doctors I
had seen for it could not seem to get a handle on the problem. My wife is
a Nurse Practitioner. After my surgery, she decided to take the treatment
of my many illnesses into her OWN hands. She sent away for a home testing
kit for allergies. When she sent the kit back to the lab and we got the
results back, we discovered that I was allergic to MOST of the foods that
were my STAPLES. I had been a STRICT VEGETARIAN for over 20 years and had been
consuming soybean products and many OTHER bean products. It was discovered
that I was highly allergic to SOYBEAN and many OTHER bean products as well
as OTHER legumes such as PEAS and STRING BEANS. I was also allergic to
dairy products and SUGAR. The DAIRY was not an issue, since I did not
consume it, but I did consume products with SUGAR on occasion. I also
found that I was allergic to YEAST. I ate BREAD every DAY! That was one
place where I would get both sugar AND yeast! Once I DROPPED these items
that I was allergic to, the irritable bowel syndrome STOPPED! I have NOT
had a problem with it SINCE! I would strongly suggest that you get tested
for food allergies and AVOID the food triggers. I think that you will find
that your irritable bowel problems will dissipate with the cessation of the
food triggers.
— hubarlow
July 27, 2008
I suffered from irratable bowel for years until I got tested for allergies.
I found out that I am allergic to wheat. I wondered if it was Celiacs
Disease (allergy to all gluton). I am glad to say that once I stopped
eating any wheat products ie Pasta, bread (except Ezekiel 4:9 Bread) my
irratable bowel went away. I am able to tolarate other froms of gluton ie
corn, oat, soy. I make sure to check all lables for wheat. What helpped me
the most was cooking my own food from sctatch. Processed foods almost
always include some kind of wheat product. I wish you the best. Former
Fellow sufferer.
— Elizabeth M.
July 27, 2008
I suffered from irratable bowel for years until I got tested for allergies.
I found out that I am allergic to wheat. I wondered if it was Celiacs
Disease (allergy to all gluton). I am glad to say that once I stopped
eating any wheat products ie Pasta, bread (except Ezekiel 4:9 Bread) my
irratable bowel went away. I am able to tolarate other froms of gluton ie
corn, oat, soy. I make sure to check all lables for wheat. What helpped me
the most was cooking my own food from sctatch. Processed foods almost
always include some kind of wheat product. I wish you the best. Former
Fellow sufferer.
— Elizabeth M.
July 27, 2008
3 yrs post op RNY here - I became more sensitive to foods after surgery,
thus MORE cramping than usual. I dont think I became a normal, healthy
individual until like almost 2 yrs. post op. where i understood every thing
my body told me. When in doubt, call the PCP, surgeon, whomever.
— C-There
July 28, 2008
Usually simple carbs will give me that feeling...My RNY pouch does not
handle those carbs well and sugar will do the same...make sure that that's
not what you are eating...The bacteria that causes this LOVES bad carbs and
will give you wicked gas...just like lactose intollerance too (I have both
of these problems) Oh yay! ...I have to do my simple carbs in moderation or
none at all (ideally), but who's perfect? I take probiotics (acidolphilus
and others as in yogurt cultures) These GOOD bacteria eat the bad ones and
balance out your intestinal flora...Watch what you are eating and try the can find them ANYWHERE! If it continues...see a
could be an allergy to wheat or you might actually need strong
antibiotics...But trying simple things yourself, you often find the problem
without a big fuss...If it stays bad...Make a fuss to the doc! Hope you
feel better.
— .Anita R.
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