Lap Band Fills

I will be having my first Lap Band fill 5-28-08 and I was wanting to know, how they locate the port, I don't feel mine, and does it hurt? I take insulin and I don't think it could hurt any more than giving yourself insulin but I just don't know what to expect. I know I need the restriction because it has been six weeks and I am starting to eat more than I should. Thanks in advance.    — dyates2948 (posted on May 25, 2008)

May 25, 2008
I just had mine last tuesday. It was the WEIRDEST sensation! They did an ultrasound thingy on my stomach to locate the port and then marked it with a marker. The needles are longer than the ones for insulin but like w/the shots it's only a tiny pinch. I definitely needed the restriction. Then i was on clear liquids for 24 hours. After that it was 3 protein shakes a day for 2 days then 2 protein shakes mushy food 2 days then 2 shakes solid food... Good Luck :)
   — Danielle T.

May 25, 2008
It was a weird experience. But it only took like 10 seconds. I too am on insulin. To me it's the same, jutst in a different area. On Youtube under Lapband Indiana you will see Becca's blog that shows the process. It's on Episode 3 of "Becca's Band Blog for Banded by McEwen". It helped me understand the process a little. I can't watch myself give myself shots or when someone else does it. So I didn't look. They do put a general anesthetic on it. They know approximately where it is and what it feels like. You should have no problem! I'm hoping to get my 2nd fill on June 3rd!
   — jct001

May 25, 2008
Don't worry. They inject you with lidocaine - yay - so you're all numb. Then they find the port with an x-ray machine - at least that's how they did it for me. Good luck!
   — malkahleah

May 26, 2008
I am so excited for you. I had gastric RNY but my daughter in law had lap band in December. She has gone from a size 20 to a size 8 already. Good luck to you and if you want to share concerns her email is [email protected]
   — Txgal8437

May 26, 2008
My Doc has you do a half sit up and then he can find your port. It does not hurt just a weird feeling.Good luck!
   — Sandy Hanson

May 27, 2008
Most Lap Band Fills are done under a flora Scope or at least that's what my Dr uses...before he got that he just did it by touching the area.......they have it down to a fine art so don't worry ....I don't think they hurt....the uneasyness is worse than the fill itself. Pam / Ft Worth Bandster Bites Silverware [email protected]

May 27, 2008
Mine was quick in and quick out. I can feel my port, and the dr got me to lay back in a half sit up position and I had to put my hands behind my head. He then felt for my port and I assumed he placed the port between his fingers to know where to insert the needle to give me my first fill. There was no pain, all I felt was the pressure the dr was putting on my port. It was so fast and I was given a 4cc fill. My next fill is in another 2 wks. So don`t worry it wont hurt. Good Luck at the Drs. tomorrow and ask them how many cc they give you when ever you get a fill to keep your own record.
   — moosey52

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