Aching all over

Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since I had open RNY surgery. This week-end I started feeling achey all over. Has anyone else experienced this or am I getting sick? Thanks, Ana, RN    — nursevilla (posted on April 14, 2008)

April 14, 2008
It is always possible that you are getting sick. However, it is also possible that your B12 levels are low (try a sublingual tablet if you are not getting regular injections). Also, being chronically dehydrated (which is fairly common soon after surgery) could be impacting your muscle aches. Also, and this is by no means the only remaining reason for your muscle ache, but it could be a sign that you are not getting in enough protein (which, as you know, is critical to maintaining muscle mass while you lose weight).
   — SteveColarossi

April 14, 2008
drink more fluids...especially water....remember 64 don't want to get dehydrated....ok? that's the first real careful to get in your water....crystal lite is good too good luck....
   — LindaA

April 14, 2008
Ana - Nice to hear someone else had open surgery, too - wee seem to be in the minority! The only times (s) I felt terrible or achy was when I had 'overdone' things - but there were just general times when I felt generally poor over the course of the first 5 weeks, then like day one of week 6, I realized I felt great, without pain meds. But this was just me - and I'm a firm believer that pain has a message - if you don't know what is causing it - call your surgeon's office - the nurse there has a library of knowledge, and if nothing else, should ease your mind. Good luck, let us know how you make out?! BTW - I'm 6 month's out, and can tell you that everyday gets even better!
   — 29Diesel

February 19, 2009
for me it was not enough Vit. D. As weeks went on (post surgery) my aching got worse. took me a long time to learn it was lack of Vit.s (esp. D) even though I was taking Vit.s every day. Please have blood levels checked, you might not be absorbing them as well now. Good luck.
   — fracturedfairysp

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