I have been fine. All pain gone. I rolled over on my side this morning and it felt
like something pulled on my right side just under my ribs and toward the middle. What do you think I did? I had alot of sensitivity in that area after the 6ft drain was pulled out in the hospital. Could I have pulled something loose? Thanks friends! Lesleigh07 — lesleigh07 (posted on December 29, 2007)
December 29, 2007
You had a lot of work done. There's a lot of bruising. It could just be
that. I pulled several abdomenal muscles in the first three weeks after
surgery just getting up and down. My doctor told me I'm using my body
differently and so it's normal to have muscle pulls. Call your doctor if
you're not sure. Nobody can tell you what it is for sure with examining
— Shirley D.
December 30, 2007
It is probably pulling on the bruised muscle/incision. You might find
(after all healing) that you will experience a sharp pain in the same
manner... which could be a pull on scar tissue.
— gonnadoit
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