Regarding the LapBand Surgery when it is time for a Fill do you have to drink

something for the X-Ray to find the Port? I have a problem with always wanting to taste things and not just swallowing it I get all Gaggie and If I think about it it makes me SICK!!!!!    — AngelKay34 (posted on August 5, 2007)

August 5, 2007
On the day of the lap band fill, the Dr will do the first injection to numb the site, then he will add the fluid, then the nurse will give you a small cup of water to drink. They do that to make sure you can keep it down. Be sure to keep a diary/journal of what amount of cc's he inserted at each fill and mark your weight on that day. It's a good way for you to keep track of your progress. Good luck with everything!!!!! Cathy F
   — Catherine F.

August 5, 2007
My P.A. just feels for the port, numbs the area and does the fill! Very simple. Yes, I drink a very small amount of water afterwards to make sure they didn't fill too much.
   — Debra R.

August 5, 2007
I had to have a flouroscope for my 1st fill. There was nothing to drink during the procedure as the port has nothing to do with being seen by drinking. Afterwards you have to drink some water to make sure you are not over filled
   — Donna O.

August 6, 2007
No Xray for the fill. The doctor can feel where your port is. You'll just have to take a small drink of water when he is finished.
   — betsy2007

August 6, 2007
It is very rare to need an x-ray to get a fill. In most cases, the doctor will simply numb the skin and then go straight into the port. After the fill, the surgeon will make you drink some water (the amount varies depending on the doctor) to ensure you are not to tight. Once you drink the water, you will be free to go home. it is easy and relatively painless.
   — VickiStevens

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