When can you start eating a healthy salad??

im soon to be a month out and been graving a salad..    — Tina G. (posted on February 8, 2007)

February 8, 2007
I was able to eat a salad at about 2 months out. I am a year out today and I can eat like 1/2 cup of salad. It really helps with digestion. Good luck to you!!! shannon
   — shannonwaycott

February 8, 2007
I started eating a 1/2 cup a salad about 3 months after my surgery. Wendy's has a excellent salad in a cup, so does McDonalds. Good Luck.
   — sachi48sims

February 8, 2007
I started craving salad from the first day out! But my doc said not to eat any greens for at least the first 6 months. However, if y'all have done fine after 2 months, I'm going to try it!
   — Cheriehott

February 8, 2007
I'm not quite three months out and I started eating salad about a month ago. Wendy's salad from the dollar menu (Caeser side salad) will hit the spot. I actually thought that it was awfully big at first. It was filling and the price was right too! If that isn't enough then add some protein(chicken,tuna,turkey,fish) to it.My doctor's office said I could have Wendy's chili. The salad and chili together was way too much food. I find that our eyes are much bigger than our stomachs! Best of luck to ya!!
   — purnellj

February 8, 2007
Hi Tina, eating salad is tough on the pouch early. More than that it is just a symptom of rebellion to what you are going through. Our minds tell us to have a salad, it is good for us, even safe calorie wise, but if we give in to salad, we will eventually give in to another craving that is not so healthy. I encourage you to learn to avoid cravings and keep with the program. Teach yourself that less is more when it comes to food, but don't go crazy about it. Be sure you are the one in control of what you are eating, not the other way around. Obesity is a head issue with a body consequence, so it is a tough ride. If we just look at the body consequence, you won't solve the problem, if you deal with the head issues that come with it and stick to the program, even fight for it, you will do much better. Best to you. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

February 8, 2007
My docotor told me I cant have raw vegetables or fruit until six months after surgery. He said it can cause an blockage.
   — barfiep01

February 8, 2007
I am 10 months out and I don't eat salads. It is just a filler and we thought we should eat lots of it before surgery. It has no protein but does provide some roughage. If you eat your protein first as most surgeons tell you, I doubt you will have room for salad. It will do nothing for you to keep you full, may be hard to swallow and keep down at your stage. Talk with your surgeon and nutritionist about it. Julia
   — Julia W.

February 9, 2007
Hi All. My surgeon told me to keep away from salads for about six months. He said that the lettuce and such actually acts like steel wool in the new pouch. So...wait until the new pouch is good and strong before you start to eat salads too soon after surgery. Again...the best advice you've received thus far is to discuss it with your own surgeon. Good luck. J.
   — Judib58

February 12, 2007
Doctors differ on that. I did not eat lettuce till about seven or eight months out.
   — Novashannon

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