When did you decide to tell work about your surgery?

I was approved for surgery on 08/15/06. My surgery date is 09/05/06. How far in advance did you advise your employer? As soon as you found out, two weeks?    — MGCarmen (posted on August 16, 2006)

August 16, 2006
My employer knew that I was looking in to the surgery before I was ever approved. As soon as I was approved I kept my boss informed of what was going on. Date of the surgery, how long I anticipated being off work, etc. I guess it's really a personal decision, based on a lot of factors. For me, I knew they'd be supportive of my decision. I also felt that I needed to keep them informed so that arrangements could be made while I was gone.
   — cburky911

August 16, 2006
I kept my boss informed of my dates for exams and tests, also the date of my surgery. It just makes things at work go better. Same gors for recovery time. This way when you get back to work it makes the transition a whole more better. I Hole all goes well for you. Stan
   — stanfryzel

August 16, 2006
Check with your HR person to find out the process so that you will know what information you will need to submit. At my job I have to go through certain processes in order to get the leave approved. I had surgery on my thumb on last Friday and I and the surgeon had to complete and submit in order to have leave approved. So you want to make sure all the necessary paperwork is in from your surgeon (if needed) before you take your sick leave.
   — the7thdean

August 16, 2006
My employer prefers a 30 day notice of non emergency LOA, so that is what I did.
   — **willow**

August 16, 2006
Because of the work I do I told my supervisor when I started my ten week session of classes before approval since I would need time off for the classes. I gave them an actual date for surgery as soon as the insurance company gave me the date so my own panel of patients could be adjusted for my medical leave. Usually the sooner you involve them the more they will support you and you will need their support.
   — dabby

August 16, 2006
I told my work I was having surgery as soon as I found out the date; I did not tell them what surgery I was having done due to personal reasons. But then my surgeons office called and pushed my surgery up 2 months. They called me on a Thursday to have my surgery on Monday so I had to do some juggling with my schedule but, I did it and everything worked out just fine.
   — Juju B

August 16, 2006
I told my supervisor that I would be having surgery sometime in the fall and I would need some time for pre-op test. I didn't tell him what type of surgery, but he is very supportive as he said he will approve me for advanced leave and to receive voluntary leave.
   — Elizabeth C.

August 16, 2006
I told my boss what i was trying to do the 1st of July but then I was approved on the 15th of August and my surgery date was set for the 28th of August. That left me with 8 work days to get all by leave papers filled out and get someone trained for my job. Tell them when you get your date. I am scrambling trying to get everything at work set for me to be gone 6 weeks. Amy
   — Lost4Ever

August 17, 2006
   — Belen DeLeon

August 17, 2006
THanks for all of the replies. I agree. The best thing for me to do is get the courage up to start telling HR and my supervisor that I will be having surgery in 19 days. Wish me luck
   — MGCarmen

August 17, 2006
When I began the process, I advised my boss I'd be having surgery and would have pre-op appointments. As soon as I received my date, I contacted HR to get my short-term disability papers going.
   — Butterfly620

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