Liquid Protien? & My Pictures

I dont do protien shakes ... never have.... Im 15 months post op and past my goal weight .... down to 108 lbs..... I look bad...I also feel bad right now...I have tingeling and pain in my body... running some fever as well off and on....I believe Im somewhat dehydrated... I feel I am going to die if I dont do something...can I take this Liquid protien? ... I have a page of photos at shutterfly... how can I send that url as I dont really know how so others can view my anerxic body? Thanks for the help Flo (Renda)    — Flo (posted on July 11, 2006)

July 11, 2006
You gotta drink liquids. It's great you have gone past your goal, however, you could be doing your body an injustice by not following your surgeons orders in what you are suppose to eat and drink. Have you lost a lot of hair -- lack of protein intake. Dehydration is not something to play with. I suggest you get on those liquid protein drinks. My partner is almost 3 years out and she has never had any of these issues that some people post -- she followed the doctors orders to the letter. Can't help you with loading the pics. Has your surgeon seen you?
   — the7thdean

July 11, 2006
honey you need to see your PCP, if you aren't feeling well you need to talk to your doc. Also, nothing is wrong with the protien drinks start drinking them and are you taking your vitamins? The most imporant thing you can do at this point is see your doctor. don't mess with your health. you've come to far at this point.
   — Jenney

July 11, 2006
Please go see your doctor and take care of your self, you worked hard to lose the weight to be sick! Protein shakes are a good choice but i would go and see your doctor
   — avamapp

July 11, 2006
Yes go see your doctor or better yet a nutritionist you really need this I am 15 months out and I still do my protien drinks I use the punch liquid protien by GNC and mix it with crystal light it is a awesome drink I do think you need to get protien and also vitamins.. Check the foods and make sure you are getting protien in them also. I hope things change for you soon and please e-mail me if you would like to talk more Cindy
   — NYCindy

July 12, 2006
You don't have to do the protein shakes, but, you do have to get your vitamins checked. Do you take vitamins? Are you drinking at least 64 oz. of water a day Id you are drinking soda stop immediately. That will hurt you more than anything will. Please see you pcp if you can not get to your surgeon. This could be a serious cituation. Are you eating carbs & not enough protein. too many factors to say without seeing you pcp. Marilyn,the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

July 12, 2006
You need your liquids and your prtein!!!!! You are probaably feeling terrible because you have lost mucscle mass.
   — Novashannon

July 13, 2006
I would see you doctor immediately. Unfortunately, my mom has has the surgery too, and is down to 87lbs... not healthy at all. I am scared that I am going to lose her, as she is to weak to work, she has a heart condition. Do you eat? My mom eats but its but its not enough. I had the surgery 3 years ago and because of stress i have gained back 40lbs not liking it all. But I have gone back to my surgeon and the nutritionist and the psychiatrist. Please see your doctor, take care of yourself.
   — melissac

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