Has anyone else tried Nascobal?

My doctor prescribed it for me, instead of the B12 dots. I'm concerned that it is only 500mg per one spray a week.    — mickey1073 (posted on July 10, 2006)

July 10, 2006
you have EVERY right to be concerned -- ESPECIALLY since a <GASP> ---DOCTOR--perscribed it for you--- doctors are nothing but quacks in white coats-- ..they just put the sleeves on the wrong
   — fishnrockport

July 10, 2006
I would try it first, and see what your labs are in a few months. If your B12 levels are okay, it is working.
   — Novashannon

July 11, 2006
I'm just guessing but maybe the nasal spray makes the B12 more easily absorbed than the B12 dots..... so you'd need more B12 dots to equal one 500mg spray once a week. If you look up the drug online and find the really detailed drug info or read the package insert (usually lots of tiny print with the occasional graph thrown in), you can usually find information about how much is used by the body and how much is excreted unchanged. It'd probably easier to ask your doctor tho... talk to him or her about your concerns. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

July 11, 2006
I didn't have anything prescribed for me. I just bought the sublingual lozenges from Puritan Pride.
   — geneswife

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