How long before you start to loose weight?

   — Nadiyah (posted on June 7, 2006)

June 7, 2006
I was in the hospital for 4 days, the day I left, I had already lost 12 pounds, at my 2 week check up, I was down 27 pounds. Now I am 10 pounds post op and I have lost 140. Hope this helps. How far post op are you? Good Luck!
   — TraciB06

June 7, 2006
Thankyou for answering. I'm not post op yet. My time is 6/16/06. So it's coming up. You did awsome. I hope I do as well. You take care and wow . awsome
   — Thelma S.

June 8, 2006
Which surgery are you having? Everyone succeeds at different rates, but I had bypass and I lost 17 lbs between my pre-op appointment and my 1 week post op appointment. at 8 weeks, I am down 50 lbs. Good luck to you!
   — nicolerod

June 8, 2006
YOu should begin to lose within a week. I did not have as dramatic a weight loss in the first few as other people, but I am still losing steadily most of the time (1 2/2 years). Everyone is different, just hang in there!
   — Novashannon

June 8, 2006
view my profile, scroll down some. MLR
   — Kriola

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