I know it is individual but am getting confused by weight loss stories

Am having lap band fitted in a few weeks - what sort of inital weight losses have people (follwoing rules!) had?    — Kate -True Brit (posted on April 20, 2006)

April 20, 2006
My surgeon told me the only difference is that the lapband plateau sooner than the bypass Karen
   — ladytexas36

April 20, 2006
Don't worry about what other people do . . . you always find someone who lost more, faster than you. Concentrate on what you can do . . . water, exercise, protein, NO SUGAR, NO MILK. Good luck . . .
   — rayehawk

April 20, 2006
As the others have said, you can never compare yourself to others. But with the Band, the important thing to remember is that the first few weeks are for healing. Scar tissue must form to anchor the Band in place, so it isn't usually filled at all before that happens. Since the Band only begins to work after it's filled and you reach a proper level of adjustment, that can mean that your loss may be delayed, or that, once you transition from liquids to solids post-op, you may even *gasp* GAIN a pound or two. If this happens, it is important that you Do. Not. Panic. It's normal for Band patients. Maddening, frustrating, but normal. Please do yourself a favor and visit the Band forum, if you haven't already. Best of luck to you.
   — Jeanie

April 20, 2006
Weight loss with the Lap-Band system is so individual, that said, no one loses at the same pace, weight loss is based on starting BMI level (higher BMIs tend to lose quicker), patient motivation, excercise frequency and rule following. It is recommended that bandsters excercise at least 30 minutes every day and eat dense lean proteins and veggies at least 80-90 percent of the time at least twice daily to experience about a 4-10 pounds per month steady weight loss. Personally I have lost 20 pounds in one month with my band before, but not every month only when I increased my excercise level to twice daily. Good Luck--
   — [Deactivated Member]

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