This is not a question I am needing support. My insurance company told me that I do

not need a supervised diet that they take the word of my pcp. My surgeon sent my papers to my insurance company last Wed. I am waiting to hear back. I am just really nervous that even though I was told my insurance company takes the word of my pcp I am still worried that I will be denied.    — hartnell (posted on February 26, 2006)

February 26, 2006
Hopefully it will all work out. Might I suggest that in the future you get any communication in writing from your insurance company??!!
   — classite

February 26, 2006
Some insurances only require that it is medically necessary, no supervised diet needed. That's what mine says.
   — geneswife

February 28, 2006
Tracy, I just went through the exact same thing. I thought i was going to die waiting to find out if they approved me or not. needless to say, they denied me and the fight is now on. I got the procedure code from the surgeon and called the insurance company, they didn't know what the code was and said WLS is not an exclusion of benefits. I've sent every piece of paper I have from all my doctors and are now waiting to see what they are going to say. I know it's hard but you have to try not and think about it and keep your chin up. As long as it's not an exclusion they should cover it, I think they just enjoy us jumping through hoops!!
   — debbyg

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