Anyone have a proximal LAP RNY and had more

of your intestines bypassed by another surgeon (not the one that did your inital WLS)? Don't flame me. Right now, I'm just researching "possibilities" and to see if it has ever been done. Do you know any surgeons that would do it in the State of Georgia? I have lost some, just in case some haven't noticed, and making wiser choices in meal planning and healthy selections. I WANT THIS WEIGHT OFF NOW!! I know I must exercize, but how can I other than brisk walking with the pain in my knees? I want to know since I am a proximal RNY, if I could get a distal and lose more weight and faster. I realize there could be complications, I just want to know if anyone out there has had it done and how you're doing now. If you prefer, you can email me personally at:[email protected]. Thanks in advance for your feedback (no pun intended) Proximal LAP RNY 9/3/02 5'2" 265/176/126-115 Hadiyah, a.k.a~~    — yourdivaness (posted on November 16, 2005)

November 16, 2005
Hi, I am just curious why you won't go back to your original surgeon, according to the website it says he does revisions which is exactly what you are talking about, going from proximal to distal. Have they checked for a surgery failure, like a staple line disruption or something else? I too have had a regain, about 45 pounds, yikes, I haven't approached my surgeon about looking for some failure, I am trying to get back on track with protein and have actually lost 5 pounds the first two weeks of being back on protein drinks, and NOT grazing all day. I know what you mean about the embarrassment and shame over the regain but please don't let it stop you from going to see your orignal surgeon. How about this...I'll go see my surgeon to check out my mechanics and you go see yours? It sounds like money may be an issue at this time so let me know when you feel like you can afford to do it. You've done so well and it is wonderful that you want to get back on track, we both have come so far, now we need to go just a little farther. Blessings for a beautiful day. Anita
   — ALF

November 16, 2005
Original Poster Here: Anita, this is news to me because at one time, he wouldn't. Not for *my* reasons*. As a matter-of-fact, I just recently spoke with him about it and his reply was, "it wouldn't do any good". Now, with respect to the recent diagnostic tests, labs, EGD's ultrasounds, & CT Scans, there *may* be a chance he will change his mind. I'm waiting for the results of these tests from him, the endocrinologist, and my primary care physician. I just don't know. I'd like to think that since I am doing what I am supposed to do and I hurt ALL the time where my 'old stomach', stoma, pouch or whatever is concerned. I really hurt in the area where my navel is and in the upper epigastric area (right under the sternum) if you are familiar with anatomy. I'd prefer that he do it, but if not...oh well.
   — yourdivaness

November 17, 2005
Hey, For exercise, do you have access to a pool? That's what they reccomended to me for exercise as I have bad knees. Also, biking can be good but make sure you have a large bike seat cuz those teeny tiny tones that come with the bike just make my a@@ hurt :) I can't comment on the surgery part. But good luck toyou@ Sid
   — mrsidknee

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