knot under left rib cage
I'm a year and 7 months out and three weeks ago I started getting pain under lt rib cage. It feels like a knot thou I can't feel it with my hand. At times it hurts real bad than other times mildly. Any advice would be helpful. ty. — sttar (posted on November 1, 2005)
November 1, 2005
I would suggest you call your doctor and let him/her know what's going on.
Sometimes when I haven't gone to the bathroom in a few days, my left side
hurts too. Good Luck and please let me know how you do.
— kittycathy64
November 1, 2005
consisten pain for 3 weeks, sometimes severe, a trip to the pcp sound like
idea to me. if tumor. or intestinal blockage motivates you or sounds
scary, so be it, better sooner than later. three weeks with undianosed pain
is long enough.
— walter A.
November 1, 2005
Funny you ask that question I have an appt. tomarrow For the same kind of
pain, Under my rib cage on left side. Its like a sharp pain after I walk or
just driving in the truck after about 30 mins. I also want to know what it
is. the nurse told me. That she doesnt want to say it's a hernia. But for
me to come in for a check up. Im out almost 9 months p/o. 266/150 116 gone
forever,WOO HOO!!
— nomor4me_ty
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