I am frustrated that the scale IS NOT MOVING! 1 week post-op

I am VERY grateful to be on the "losing side" (1 week post-op) however, I haven't started losing yet! My scale reads the same now as it did when I returned home from the hospital which is my pre-op weight?? I am doing EVERYTHING I am supposed to be doing with the exception of walking every day. I missed two days b/c I didn't feel good but come on.....I know everyone is different but how can the scale not move an inch? Also, any ideas/recipes for pureed diet? I am sick of creamed soup and cottage cheese already, lol. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!    — Kathleen M. (posted on April 1, 2002)

April 1, 2002
Just a suggestion - don't get on the scale. I didn't get on the scale until I want back to my doctor three week post-op. I went through the same "yucky" "I'm tire of cream", etc. You'll go through everything and all the emotions. Be patient, it will start coming off.
   — dolphins94

April 1, 2002
I agree with the last poster, getting on the scale everyday is not going to make you loose weight faster and it can get on your nerves sooner than you think ( it's been one week and you're already frustrated) just relax enjoy the fact that you're on the loosing side and everything will only get better from now on... good luck.
   — Monica J.

April 1, 2002
Hi, Kathleen. I know it is irresistable to step on the scale everyday after weight loss surgery. However, most of the weight you lose at first is water weight anyway. Also, probably the reason you aren't seeing a loss your first week is because they pump you full of fluids during your surgery, and it takes your body a while to "release" these fluids. If I were you, I would go more by how your clothes fit than by the numbers on the scale. I had lost an entire dress size in the first three weeks.
   — Terissa R.

April 1, 2002
hey there I am 3 weeks post-op and understand where you are coming from. I like to weigh myself just to reassure myself that I haven't done this for nothing :-) I didn't lose any weight last week even though I followed the diet plan and excerised everyday .. I asked my Dr. and he said sometimes the body won't release the weight until it figures out what is going on!!! This is quite a change for our poor bodies and I am sure they just need to adjust to all this!! I have lost 25lbs so far in such a short time so I do suppose my body does need a little time to figure out what is going on! When I got out of the hospital and for a few days afterward I weighed more than when I went in!! Talk about discouraging!! Weight loss will happen for you!! Hanging in there I know that these first few weeks are very hard and sometimes you just want something to show you that you did that right thing (like getting on the scale and seeing you have lost 20lbs :-) Everyday gets better!!! If you need to talk e-mail me!!
   — Allie A.

April 1, 2002
Are you measuring? Usually one or the other (scale or measurements) will be moving. Measure yourself to see your progress and I'll bet you are getting smaller even if those numbers aren't yet!
   — ctyst

April 1, 2002
At 1 week out, isn't it possible that there is still swelling that may be causing the weight? Perhaps you ARE losing, but it looks like the scale is the same. Check your measurements. Dont despair! You are still on your way!
   — emilyfink

April 2, 2002
Girl, <smack, smack, smack!!> get RID of those scales!!! STOP weighing yourself!!! Let your doctor weigh you at your regularly scheduled check-ups and DO NOT STEP ON A SCALE IN BETWEEN APPOINTMENTS!!! Our weight fluctuates fanatically for the first three months. Stop stressing yourself out, and just focus on getting healthy and eating right. :~) It's worth the stress relief, believe me. :~)
   — Sharon H.

April 2, 2002
My weight loss was slow at first, I only lost 15 at my 2 week check and at 6 weeks had only lost another 10 pounds. I couldn't believe in those 4 weeks that I lost only another 10 pounds but wasn't able to eat anything. I was very discouraged but I found that I was being very hard on myself. Then all of the sudden I lost 75 pounds in 3 months, I was so happy. I heard this a thousand times but everyone kept telling me that we are al different and our bodies will lose at different rates but I didn't want to be the slow one. Hang in there because this is only the beginning of what is about to happen, in a short time you are going to feel like a new person. I have lost 145 pounds now at 8 months post-op, and I have hit my first plateau. It lasted for about 6 weeks, I went up and down about 4 pounds during that time then started losing again. It seems to have slowed now but I have started excercing and continue in the healthy eating which amazingly seems easier now. It helps so much to feel full so quickly and it seems that the healthier foods settle better with my smaller stomach so it is easier. Unfortunately I don't really have the dumping syndrome, I know that sounds funny but I wish I did because I really have to fight to stay away from the bad stuff, I do get a little nauseous so it makes me avoid the bad stuff. I got off the subject a little but don't worry about the scales so much right now, it will come. And during my plateau I still lost inches, I don't quite understand how and why that happens but I'll take every inch off however it comes! Good luck!
   — Monica F.

April 3, 2002
Thanks so much to all of you who replied! Well, I guess I jumped the gun, LOL! I had my 9 day post-op check up today and I am DOWN 16 POUNDS!! Now, THAT I can live with! YIPEE! The Dr. said the first 4 days with no weight loss was most likely were all RIGHT! Thanks again!
   — Kathleen M.

April 10, 2002
I got on line today to ask the very same question. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. I bought a scale and it's not moving, so I am feeling a little frustrated too. But, like the others say below, toss the scale. For the miniscule amount of calories I am taking in, I know in my mind that I must be losing. My body just hasn't caught up. I've lost about 20 pounds so far. This site is so great for support. Glad I got on line today.!! Good luck.
   — Jamy V.

July 22, 2002
Remember you had a lot of fluid intake with the IVs in the hospital and that has alot to do with balancing out.
   — Myckialea

September 12, 2002
I left the hospital 11 lbs over my pre-op weight due to iv fluids, etc. You will lose; don't be a salve to the scale. just eat what you're supposed to eat, drink plenty of water and sit back and enjoy the new you. i seem to lose in 5 lb blocks and it can be weeks before the scale shows anything. I started at size 22/24 and am in a size 10 nine months post-op. Life is good. Congrats on your surgery.
   — DeenaR1098

April 21, 2003
I can't imagine...but Doc Buchard told me NOT to weight myself after my surgery while still in the hospital. I was weighed right before I went into surgery, and I am now 11 days post-op had my staples out and was weighed, I lost 29.8 pounds!!! I had alot of edema too......
   — Theresa M.

February 23, 2004
My doctor said NO cream soups or other fattening liquids for the first 2 weeks or I would NOT lose weight! Perhaps this advice will be helpful to others!
   — Maryan Y.

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