What is the number that I should keep my carb. intake below on a daily basis.

I have been reading ALL my labels and if the carbs seem too high I stay away from it. But, I would like some kind of number to go by. Thanks..    — Betty M. (posted on February 25, 2002)

February 25, 2002
Level I of the Atkins program says 30 grams of carbs a day. That was too restrictive for me. I'm losing weight again after over three years by limiting my carbs to 60 grams a day.....and 90 grams on Sunday. I'm talking about complex carbs. I don't eat any simple carbs at all anymore. No wheat flout, rice, sugar, honey, potatoes. I found some soy flour for baking...I can make nmuffins, pancakes, bread. I eat well.
   — [Anonymous]

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