Pregnancy - I am 32. Never married, never had kids. What I am wondering is...

If I have wls and lose the weight and need a tummy tuck, will I be able to get pregnant afterward without worrying about stretch marks and the like? If anyone reading this has done so, can you tell me how it went? I will have to deliver via C-section because I had a myomectomy in January to remove fibroids. Because of the delicacy of the scar tissue in my uterus, my doctor has stated that a vaginal birth is not an option for me as I will be high risk and would likely have a catastrophic ripping or tearing of the uterine walls were I to go into labor and attempt vaginal delivery. What I am scared of is that I will NEED a tummy tuck and might have to wait to have one until after I have children. My biggest fear is that the hanging skin, etc. might make it incredibly difficult for me to feel comfortable with my body and therefore make it harder for me to find someone who isn't bothered by it. I have trouble finding someone now who isn't bothered by my morbid obesity, how is it going to be if I have a lot of hanging skin, etc.? What I would prefer to do is after losing weight to goal, I want to have a breast reduction, tummy tuck and perhaps an arm lift. If I do this, can I expect my plastic surgeon to tell me not to bother having kids afterward? Anyone who has gone through this or knows someone who has, you can email me privately or answer here. [email protected].    — Diana M. (posted on June 7, 2001)

June 7, 2001
Go for it! I am 32, never married, never had children and had my open RNY on June 23rd of last year. I am 5'8" and my highest weight was 301 (that I know of). I have lost over 110 pounds and while I do think I will have to have my chest "lifted", I will not have to have the more difficult "reduction" I needed before weight loss. I exercise 3-5 times a week and I spend a lot of time working on my stomach, I don't think I will need the tummy tuck but women who have had tummy tucks get pregnant all the time. No problem. When that time comes just talk to your doctor, in the meantime get your surgery and lose the weight, it is kinda exciting to see what new things you will have to worry about (like getting the right guy) when you are feeling and looking good! The best of luck!
   — Andrea P.

June 10, 2001
I have worked in a Plastic Surgeon's office for over 2 years. You can definitley have a baby after a tummy tuck, but it will just ruin the work that's been done. Kind of a waste of your money... also, just to let you know..I have seen a couple of insurance companies pay for tummy tucks, because of rashes, and irritation, etc. Breast Reductions too...
   — NICOLE W.

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