HEALTH CHOICE GREAT-WEST ANNUITY AND LIFE INSURACE? — [Anonymous] (posted on May 23, 2001)
May 23, 2001
I have Anthem Health & Life, which is a sub-company of Great West.
Claims are administered by One Health Plan in Fort Scott, Kansas. If you
are referring to the same company, and I think you are, I had no problem
with approval. Took less than a week, but had excellent backup and no
specific exclusion on policy.
— danirat
May 23, 2001
When i first went to see my Dr. his office researched my ins. then labled
every problem that I had and sent it in
Ihad Cigna and Aetna so I would get your Dr. to lay it all out on the line
for them
— Crystal L.
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