I keep hearing about protien shakes and I was wondering.....

Iwas wondering if it would be ok to drink slim fast after surgery?    — californiaowls (posted on August 19, 2000)

August 19, 2000
Hmmm, no, there wouldn't really be much point in it. They contain 40g of sugar and 7g of protein, roughly. You want to reverse those numbers, at the very least. You can use a real protein supplement, mix it with water and get closer to 30g of protein 0 to 3g of suagr in a 4 oz servings, vs the 12 oz of sugar in a Slim Fast. The other products you find easily, such as Ensure or Boost are similar, in that they are used to put weight ON the elderly or other "too thin" people. Better to find a protein product that is designed to deliver protein (mixed in water) or premixed without many carbs, fats, sugar or calories. You'll feel better and look better for it!
   — vitalady

August 19, 2000
Try Carnation Instant Breakfast, no sugar added, if you want the flavor. Less sugar, lots of vitamins and 4 gms of protien.
   — Allie B.

August 20, 2000
Wayyyyyy to much sugar in slimfast - try an Ultra Pure Protein Shake (avoid the chocolate) - same premixed in a can convenience - 2 carbs and yummy!
   — Marjie W.

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