Will I feel like going to work and just sitting for 3 hrs. a day 5 days after RNY ?
— ljkgates (posted on July 21, 2010)
July 21, 2010
I think this will completely depend on you.Everyones surgery is different.I
stayed in the hospital for three days with RNY on Feb 18.My fourth day I
went walking in the mall,of course I took breaks and would sit on the bench
occasionally.But I have heard different stories from others some people say
that they was real sore after surgery.I wasn't! So it all depends on
you.Keep in mind my doctor would not allow me to drive for a week after
surgery so do u have transportation to and from work?Best wishes and
— davonjack
July 21, 2010
STAY HOME AND REST, REST REST!!! Your body heals itself while you sleep
every night and surgery is no different. Your body needs adequate time to
heal. All it takes is just one "1" slip up to bust stitches or
incision open and after that you're done for. Stay home. You will be
uncomfortable at work, even for 3 hours. Be on safe side, you've waited so
long for this to happen, just stay home and follow doctors orders and take
it easy and enjoy this special time with yourself. It is a new discovery
period which I found fascinating to see my body change so rapidly.
suggestion is to stay home as long as you can. I stayed home 8 weeks, only
because I could, but stay as long as you can. Pamper yourself, you deserve
it. Good luck with the beginning of your new life. :-)
— Tina B.
July 21, 2010
Linda, you have some good advice already. I can add my story... I planned
two weeks off from my mostly-desk job, and I was pretty bored at about a
week and a half. But... before that, I was dealing with pain, feeling
sluggish, and getting used to how to eat (drink, really) in those first
days. I was glad to have the time I took, honestly.
— Greg K.
July 22, 2010
You might just have to wait and see. I could have...but took 2 wks.
Instead I went to play bridge everyday for 4-5 hours. I didn't feel great,
but I was able to it....I was SOOOO bored sitting/resting at home. Good
— Jane W.
July 28, 2010
No you will still be tired from the anesthesia and you need to rest.
However, a little walk every now and then, a little at a time will help
speed up the recovery. Most come back to work after 2 weeks. Even then,
you will still feel tired. You just had a major operation, so you should
take this time to heal properly. Rest, and get in your fluids. Your
abdomen will feel like you had just done about 5,000 sit ups, you won't be
in much pain per se, but sore.
— Kristy
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