Is anyone getting B-12 shots

I am considering asking my doctor to prescribe a weekly b12 shot for energy. is anyone else doing this and has it helped?    — jamjam (posted on January 28, 2010)

January 28, 2010
I've heard that some people are doing this. My doctor prescribed an over the counter sublingual B-12 (500mcg) tablet once a week. It's very small and dissolves under the tongue.
   — Katey

January 28, 2010
I get my B12 shot once a month. They are usually monthly shots. I haven't heard of them being given weekly.
   — Dawn A.

January 28, 2010
I go once a month to my family doctor around the same time for an injection. I can feel it work quickly. I was coming down with a cold this last week, and I felt after i got the injection that i beat it with the extra boost in my body.
   — alaskaman

January 28, 2010
My doc gave me a script and I give the shot to myself monthly.
   — * S.

January 28, 2010
My dr gave me a prescription and I gave myself a shot monthly.
   — soulfourchrist01

January 28, 2010
My DR prescribed Calomist B12 nasal spray since day one and it works great. I spray both nostrils every morning and then I'm on my way. I highly recommend!
   — showmeclaibo

January 28, 2010
My husband gives my B-12 shots every other week. Once a month didn't keep my levels up enough.
   — cindycrandall

January 28, 2010
From what I understand (and I could be wrong, but I've gotten it from pretty credible sources), post-RNY-ers cannot properly absorb sublingual B-12 because we no longer make some specific enzyme or something. But, I have seen a few sprays that were specifically for post-RNY, nasal and oral. My doc prescribed me B-12 shots monthly, but I am doing them more like twice a month, and that has worked beautifully for me.
   — stellarsan

January 28, 2010
Yes,blood test showed I was very deficient in B12,so my Dr. prescribed B12 shots.I was shown by the nurse how to administer the shots.I began by weekly shots then one monthly. The first year I could tell a big difference when I took the shot,but now,I get very little results from it.B12 deficiency can lead to numbness and tingling in the feet and hands.
   — amistique569

January 29, 2010
Hello, I get the shots monthly from either my PCP or my bariatric doctor, but if you're wanting them weekly, I'm hoping it's because your doctor has advised you to do so, otherwise monthly is normally what most doctors prescribe if your labs are normal. I personally prefer the shots, but I've also taken the liquid B-12 from The Vitamin Shoppe, which I like but the shots last longer, i.e, once a month as to taking everyday under the tongue for the liquid. But, I strongly suggest always getting information first from your doctor. Good luck to you, I hope this information helps you. -+
   — StrangePassion

January 29, 2010
Be sure that you get blood work done for your B12 before you start anything...this will help you determine if is low at this time and later if you start the shots. I usually get a shot about every other week. I did try the sublimeal type from WalMart...and my level shot through the roof...over 1200. It's a good idea to know where you stand, though, before you start any new regimen. Good luck!
   — BrendaMS

January 29, 2010
I get a b12 shot weekly by my hubby...keeps me alive cos I already have Pernicious Anemia. Some of my friends take the sub-lingual but said that it takes as much as 30 mins for their tablets to dissolve. The shot is much quicker IMHO.
   — texastreat

February 6, 2010
My surgeon prescribed a shot monthly that I can do myself at home. I haven't heard of it being more often unless there's other issues, he said once a month is the standard. I know you can also use the sublingual B12 "dots" is what they call them at Walmart, they just melt right away and taste pretty good! I will have my levels checked at my next appointment and should find out then about if monthly is enough. Good luck!
   — eyeflirt4fun

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