Apprehensive to schedule lapband surgery during the holidays.

I have just completed my six months of required nutrition classes mandated by my insurance company. I can now get a surgery date on the calendar. I am apprehensive to schedule it between now and the first of the year. I don't get real excited about the big dinners and xmas cookies, treats, etc., but may be difficult right out of the starting gate. I am worried that adding in the extra stress of the holidays to the surgery would be too distracting to being on full liquid to mushies to a eating plan regimen. Anyone have advice for me on this?    — Libby R. (posted on October 31, 2009)

October 31, 2009
If your insurance is Kaiser, you should continue on with the subsequent doctor's appointments and evaluations cause there can still be some delays there. Then when that's complete and they're ready to schedule the surgery, request a date in January. Good luck!
   — Janell C.

October 31, 2009
I decided to wait until after the holidays just because I don't want to risk making a mistake that will make me sick and not be at home, and more importantly, I want to preserve my privacy as much as possible. The whole world doesn't need to notice what I'm eating and what I'm not eating so they can gossip about my progress. I guess this comes from a lifetime of attending family functions while on jenny craig, or not eating carbs, or whatever it was, only to show up at the next funtion still fat. I'd like this one to be a private failure. Imagine how disgusted everyone will be with me when I stay fat (or get fat again) even after having gastric bypass!
   — rsw

October 31, 2009
I am scheduled for surgery on 11/12/09. Several people have questioned me on why I did not wait until after the holidays. At 55 years of age, I feel that I have waited long enough to begin my new journey. Why give myself the opportunity to gain even more weight? I feel that it will be even more of a success to get through the holidays with the challenges of dealing with a new eating plan.
   — gypsy7

October 31, 2009
Hey there!!! I get patients their approvals and schedule them for surgery...dont wait -- just do it -- take control of your weight and health now by choosing to overcome stressors and going forward -- you'll get through holiday sjust fine by measuring your LP's (little portions) By January 1 you'll be on your way to weight loss success and not making another New Years Resolution... you ll be so far ahead of the battle and proud of yourself for doing it.... just my experience :) BTW -- I chose my LAP RNY and 5 day hospital stay almost 9 years ago on 12/11/00 -- Daughters 8th birthday was 12/10 - sons 3rd birthday was 12/18 --- I had every reason not to do till after the holidays... It did give me that inner strength to know I could do it... Good luck in your decision!!!
   — DarcieLeighAZ

October 31, 2009
I agree, DON'T WAIT!!! My niece had hers Oct. 29th a year ago and she did great thru the Holidays!! Don't worry what others think about what you did or did not eat, Do this for YOU!! DO IT NOW!! GOOD LUCK!! See ya on the losers bench.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 31, 2009
I just scheduled my surgery for November 23rd and can't wait! I'm so excited to begin my weight loss journey after years of unsuccessful attempts. I have no desire to pack on another 10 pounds over the holidays (which I know I will). Good Luck in your decision!
   — Heather C.

October 31, 2009
I personaly didnt wait. I had my RNY done November 19, 2008 and couldnt of asked for a better time to do so. I figured that I had been big enough for long enough there was no stopping me, and it really wasnt as bad as your imagening. Good luck with whatever you choice is.
   — bostonkid33

October 31, 2009
Don't wait. I had mine done November 19, 2008 and the first day I was able to eat real food(yes musshy stuff) was on Thanksgiving. You will be so glad you did it and you will do just fine. Good Luck
   — pennlynn24

October 31, 2009
I am scheduled for surgery on Dec.28th and I have to fast from the 21st right through christmas. I am 59 years old and I am going to make a turkey dinner with all the trimmings for me and my husband a couple of days before I start fasting. I have waited long enough and am anxious to get my surgery over with.
   — cuppaloopy

November 1, 2009
there is another concern. Durning the holidays, you may be dealing with an increase of temporary agency employees due to regular hospital nurses and others taking the days off. It's not that these people are incompetent, they just might not know the hospital routine as well as the regular staff. I had a duodenal switch which ment a 5 day hospital stay so this was more important for me. A lap-bad is more of an in and out proceedure. I was first offered a Friday date and turned it down in favor of a Tuesday because I didn't want to (possibly) have a complication and ruin the doctor's weekend. Everybody is expected to work on a Wendsday. Joke was on me. The Tuesday was the date of the inaguration of our new president and I missed all the parties. I run with Democrats. I couldn't even watch it on TV.
   — lucyfur

November 1, 2009
i think you should do it no matter what,but i had the lapband on sept 22nd, i only lost 25 ponds with the diet before surgery. i recommend u to have the gastric bypass or the dueoden ,im sorry i dont no how to spell it but search more befor u do the lapband pleaseeeeeeeee.if u have any question call me or email me
   — sunrise78

November 1, 2009
I had my rny on Dec. 16 of last year. Like many others, I recommend you do it as soon as they will give you a date. I don't feel that I missed out on anything important at Christmas and would definately do it all over again. I feel like it was the greatest Christmas present I could ever get. You will do great and you will be one step closer to being thinner next year. Good luck with whatever you choose.
   — sandra-n

November 1, 2009
I had lapband on 12/20... I wanted it badly enough that I did it and wanted to get the soonest date. Why wait so you can "eat" during the holidays. Actually it wasn't too difficult, it was a priority to me and didn't ruin my holidays. It is a personal thing...if you want to wait a few weeks more wouldn't be terrible. It is a mindset. You make up your mind to do the right things, etc. Will you be around family, etc who will know about your surgery? Make a list of pros and cons. I wasn't sorry I did it then!
   — Linda R.

November 1, 2009
Something no one else mentioned, that might have some bearing, is concerning your insurance. Have you met your deductible for the year? If so, waiting until next year may end up costing you more. Most people who have the Lap-Band cannot eat more than 2-4 ounces at a time immediately following surgery. It will be nice to enjoy quality time with your family without feeling tempted by food or feeling guilty about over-eating. If you are creative, you can think up ways to have some of the flavors you love and still follow your doctor's guidelines. If your surgeon recommends Bariatric Shakes/Puddings, just add a little pumpkin to the mix. You can process the mashed potatoes and gravy in a blender and still enjoy the flavors. Since you'll only be hungry for a couple of bites, don't worry about the carbs, fats, calories, etc. As long as you have a plan that includes nutritious vegetables (mashed up of course) and some protein, you'll be alright. Just eat one bite/sip of protein for each bite of anything else. I grind up turkey or chicken to a patte consistency. I add a little mayonnaise, mustard, horse raddish, pickle relish, hard boiled eggs (also ground up fine), and a pinch of pepper. I serve this turkey or chicken salad on bread to my family and eat it with a fork or on a couple of whole wheat crackers myself. Of course, once you're past the "liquid" and "soft" stages, you can make the chicken/turkey salad without chopping it so fine. I find the texture is more enjoyable using small chunk size bits of chicken/turkey and hard boiled eggs. Just be careful to take really small bites, chew thoroughly, and wait 5 minutes between bites. If you can only swallow pudding, jello, yogurt, smoothies, broth, and protein shakes, just choose flavors you enjoy. This stage will be over soon. By next year at the Holidays, you'll be slimmer, healthier, and able to try delicious, nutritious recipes that you and your family will enjoy. With the Lap-Band you'll get full sooner, stay full longer, and if you're like me, be satisfied with your meals for the first time in a very long time. It is nice to feel like you are in control of your body, not ruled by hunger, and no longer out of control. What better gift could you give yourself this year than that???? Best wishes, and God Bless.
   — KimM

November 1, 2009
Hi, I had my surgery on December 12, 2008. It was the very best time to do this. I was not hungry (had RNY) and had no appetite so eating was not an issue. Everyone in my family was so supportive. Yes, I missed out on some of my favorite foods, but I can tell you I don't and didn't care. I have reached my goal I am thinner than I have ever been, I look great and feel better than I ever have. Food is no longer the focus of my life. I go out with friends, I go to restaurants, movies, bowling, on a cruise, on an airplane and I no longer worry about things like will I fit in the seat, will I have to ask for a seat belt extension. It is so worth it and believe it or not Christmas last year was the best, I had lots of "free" days off because of the holiday and the only thing I had to do different was get my shopping done a little early or order things online. It was truly worth it and I am soooooo glad I didn't wait!
   — brindledanes

November 2, 2009
You can always find a reason for it to NOT be a "good" time for your surgery. You will have to learn to deal with holidays and I would say it would be better to have them soon after your surgery when you're still on track with doing everything correctly.
   — rkurquhart

November 21, 2009
i had my lapband done on 10-06-op and am so glad i did before the holidays. nothing was going to stand in my way , this was my present to myself, the best present i could have been given, and i am still making the whole turkey dinner, i just know what my choices will be.
   — puddytattoo

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