I'm 4.5 years out form surgery and have gained about 30 pounds back. Help!!!!!

I was only a year, barely, from my bypass, when literally a miracle happened and my husband and I was told we're pregnant. God always seems to know when things are to be done, but my weight wasn't at all where I wanted it to be. I had to work hard to gain a few necessary pounds to support the baby. It's now 3.5 years later, and I cannot seem to find a way to jump start my weight loss again. can anybody offer a suggestion. I saw the liquid suggestion but does it work?? [email protected]    — 01246968 (posted on October 19, 2009)

October 20, 2009
Go back to the rules...Eat 6 small meals a day, Mostly protein (No protein shakes they will make you gain) Walk every day and drink lots of water.
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

October 20, 2009
Start with a food journal. Figure out how many carbs and calories you are taking in. What are your problem foods. Eat slow, if you don't have time to finish something just don't. Eating too fast is an easy way to put on weight. Keep small healthy snacks on hand nuts cheese or fruit. Something you can eat on the run.
   — trible

October 21, 2009
The same exact thing happen to me. Had my Gastric in 2002 and then a tummy tuck in 2004, weight loss 118lbs, then I got pregnamt, gained 20 lbs, lost it at birth but hen gained 35lbs, can't seem to loos it. Had Lap Band in June 2009 but only lost 13 lbs.
   — nangab

November 8, 2009
I too had RNY Nov 2002. In fact today is my WLS anniversary! I too have gained about 30 lbs back. Someone Please tell me how to get my weight loss jump started again. I can eat more food now which scares the heck out of me. I still get sick when I eat too much sugary stuff, I know my limits but thankful I still "hurl" if I overdo it!
   — Rufus

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