
Hi I am new and I will be getting my Lap Band on 11/9/09. Im so excited too. But I have a big problem. When ever I eat and do not take anything to drink, I get the hiccups. I am concerned because I know that part of the new eeating habits is not to drink 30 min. eating :( Next question is , they say we can have cereal but is that with milk?    — desiyah (posted on October 12, 2009)

October 12, 2009
My doctor wanted us to eat a little cereal with milk ( let it sit so it gets mushy) for the first 12 weeks after surgery so that we get enough fiber. They suggested bran flakes with no raisins or shredded wheat or oatmeal. I used bran flakes with lactose free skim milk and have never had a problem. I can't help with the hiccups, but the not drinking 30 mins before and 30 mins after a meal is still challenging for me, I'm hoping I will get used to it eventually. Good luck with your journey.
   — Karen C.

October 14, 2009
Since my RNY surgery in March 2009 I get the hiccups when I have reached my food intake limit. It's a sign that if I eat even another spoonful I will be sick. I don't know what kind of cereal they say you can have becuase most docs don't want you to eat any carbs until you have lost 75% of your excess weight.
   — rkurquhart

October 14, 2009
Hiccups are a sign of food getting stuck. It will often come if you try to drink while eating.After the food slowly moves down the hiccups will go away immediately.
   — dmohead

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