I have several stitches poping through my this normal (4wks)

   — Hager10_ca (posted on August 29, 2009)

August 29, 2009
It is normal as i was told. I was told to wait until my next dr. appointment and they would cut them off. If you dont have a dr. appt coming up you can use a pair of toe nail clippers to snip them off.
   — Amy Smith

August 30, 2009
I had one stitch pop up through an incision.... after I pulled on it a couple of times trying to figure out what it was, I realized that it was a stitch, and just cut it off close to the skin so that it wouldn't bother me. It happens fairly often.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

August 30, 2009
I'd call the doc and see what they have to say about it. My surgeon didn't use stitches, so i can't relate. Mine used steri-strips and they kind of fell off after a week.
   — Joseph Johnson

August 31, 2009
That is normal. They put internal stitches before they put external ones. I had surgerical glue, which worked very well. My scars are very small 3.5 yrs later, but they were small right after surgery and pretty light in color.
   — Kristy

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