I feel as if I'm back to square one

I got sick last week and, had water gain due to a ear infection. I drank alot of water and had to eat alot of yogert due to the pain I would get if I tryed to chew anything. My Ear infection is healing up, but I feel I'm back to square one again. I know I'm just having a pitty party (LOL). I'm going to have RNY. I was was 5 pounds away and, now I need to lose 7 to get back where I was. I know I'm just being hard on my self, but I want this so much and I hate when I have to take steps back in stead of foward. I'm going to start working out again and, getting back to the diet the doctor gave me to follow. I just needed to vent . Thanks for reading and for your comments {:0)    — treeeza (posted on March 25, 2009)

March 25, 2009
I know getting down to weight for the surgery is soo hard. It is well worth it though. You will be fine. Keep away from salt and get back to the work outs.
   — trible

March 25, 2009
You're doing fine. You also have a good attitude and it's OK to vent!
   — Muggs

March 25, 2009
Chin up! A time for everything and everything in its time....cliche' I know, but true! It will happen! Good luck and God Bless! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

March 26, 2009
You're doing fine. The good thing about water weight is that it goes as easily as it comes. Get in plenty of fluids and it'll even out.
   — snickersblk

March 26, 2009
Theresa, Don't despair. It's going to come along soon even though I know it feels like forever. Being ill certainly doesn't make things any better. Pretty soon this will be behind you. You will be on your way. Hugs to you. Keep thinking positive.
   — Corina C

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