I have a great surgeon, but is there anyway to find out about history with WLS.

I would like to know if he has ever lost a WLS patient, and if so was it from complications of the surgery, or if patients health was a factor. Im just trying to understand verything before scheduling my surgery.    — belizeanboi (posted on March 7, 2009)

March 7, 2009
My suggestion would be to come right out and ask him. When I went to my pre-op seminar my surgeon told us how many surgeries his group has done which was way over a thousand. He also told us that out of all those surgeries they had lost one patient due to the fact that she got blood clots. If your surgeon is truly wonderful he won't mind a bit if you ask him. Hope this helps. Good luck!
   — katiecakes

March 7, 2009
Google him. In our state (Oklahoma) you can go online and find out if a doctor has been sued and what for and what was the outcome.
   — GlitterGal

March 7, 2009
I agree with Peggy. Just ask the doctor. That way he/she knows you are serious about this and are wanting the info. The doctor shouldn't have a problem telling you the stats.
   — Dawn A.

March 7, 2009
Also right here on this site if you click on the surgeon's name when you see it beside a member's name it gives a ton of info including reviews from patients, stats on numbers of surgeries, deaths, how many laps had to go to open incision, and all that stuff. Click on my name and then on Dr. Graber as an example. Good look!
   — mountainmike

March 8, 2009
I don't know how to find this out before you waste your time going to see a surgeon but it's a good question. Thanks for asking.
   — Corina C

March 8, 2009
If you go into and type in your question it will give you some websites to go to. You can check out your doctor through the state licensing. It will tell you if there are any lawsuits, etc. Hope this helps. Juliana
   — singnjuli

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