What kind of stuff can i expect when i see the psych dr?

This is my last step before my info goes to the insurance company for approval. I am very very nervous.    — tatormagoo (posted on January 25, 2009)

January 25, 2009
Lots and lots of questions! I had to answer about 100 questions on paper and then she went over my answers and then she talked to me and asked me more questions.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 25, 2009
Same as above. Basic questions, married, single, etc. & then what do you do for a living, why do you want to have the surgery, etc. It's not big deal. You'll do just fine.
   — Ruth M.

January 25, 2009
Lisa, my eval was done through an interactive computer program where he asked questions and then marked answers and I was able to see all that he was putting in. He asked alot of questions pertaining to what was going on in all aspects of my life,including work and family. He also wanted to make sure I was aware of the risks and the lifestyle change it was going to involve. One thing I was told in my seminar was to answer only what they were asking, mainly yes and no and don't elaborate unless asked to.
   — brattly

January 25, 2009
My dr was super nice. He really just wants to know that you are ready to mentally be able to handle surgery and if your expectations are realistic. Do you know what you are going to have to do after surgery to take care of yourself and what are you going to have to do to be healthy and successful.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 25, 2009
I just had my pysch consult last thursday, and I just sat in a super comfy chair lol, and answered tons of questions about my health, about my weight gain, how my child hood was, what things I have tried to lose weight, yada yada yada, literally!! I spent an hour just answering questions. After we were done, I asked if I "passed" and he told me I did a great job!! =-D
   — mommydragon2

January 26, 2009
My Psych doc was a Lapband friendly doctor who sees patients at my surgeons office. There was a 400 question report to do ahead of time at home. The office visit was a breeze, just be yourself and be truthful and you will be just fine. Good luck on your journey to the new you!!
   — juniecat

January 27, 2009
Hi,when I had my psych eval, the doctor just asked me a few questions, then had me do a long questionaire...was in the office maybe 1hr. Nothing to will do just fine. Farmgirl58
   — Farmgirl58

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