
   — gigi_c (posted on January 22, 2009)

January 22, 2009
I would check with my doctor. You don't want that to get too low. Find out why your blood pressure is getting lower. It may be an underlying problem or simply a shock to your system from losing so much weight so rapidly. Let us know what happens. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 22, 2009

   — gigi_c

January 22, 2009
Greetings Gigi, Please do tell us more so we can give you some pointers. How much water? How much exercise? Blessings. Christine Gibson, MS, MA, OH Life Coach in training, OH WLS Support Group leader
   — Christine Gibson

January 22, 2009
High blood pressure is one of those things that is usually resolved after gastric bypass...But low blood pressure is not something I have heard associated with GB either...But I learn something new daily...At least you are on the right track and didn't waste time getting to a doctor and went as far as pushing it further. Being your own health care advocate is so important after GB because there just is NOT enough long term info and studies of what goes on with us after surgery. This might not have anything to do with your surgery...but be certain they are completely aware that you had RNY! Best of luck to you and hopefully it's just dehydration that you can fix all by yourself!
   — .Anita R.

January 23, 2009
I had low blood pressure and didn't know until I called my doctor and they had me come in. They couldn't even get a reading. Finally after the 4th try it was 70/40. I was wisked off to the ER for IV fluids. After that I didn't need to continue my bp meds. Definitely check with your doctor. It is not normal and not good.
   — MastaP

January 23, 2009
I have had low blood pressure after WLS. It's been as low as 80/45. I have had it taken several times when the nurse thinks there must be a mistake and wants to take it again. They always look shocked. I have been told by more than one Dr that as long as I am not symptomatic, ie. lightheaded, passing out, etc, then research is showing low blood pressure to be a good thing. I would suggest you still talk to you PCP about your concerns and get their opinion, but I certainly did go from one extreme to the other.
   — corky1057

January 23, 2009
I had low BP before surgery and now.... they wonder if I am alive when they take my BP. It's crazy. The machines that do it automatically, think I am dead and I have to have them do it manually. I was told by my NUT and PCP to eat more salt - not working that well, don't really like salt - so I may need to have my prescription for salt pills filled. I get dizzy and light headed - so I have to stand slowly and get my barrings before walking, etc. I am always cold, not freezing.... taking small steps to make it better. Good luck.
   — jammerz

January 23, 2009
Have you stopped taking your bp meds after WLS? It is common after rapid weight loss for people to have to wean or discontinue their bp meds and/or diabetes meds. Make an appointment with your surgeon and have things checked out. I was a little dizzy when standing up or changing position and just felt fuzzy headed. I am a nurse and have a bp cuff and accucheck at home and checked everything. Both were low so I had to discontinue my meds. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

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