burning when food goes down .what does this mean

   — phyllis312 (posted on January 18, 2009)

January 18, 2009
Not sure in what context you are basing your question...but for me (having RNY)...Some spices burn my pouch like wasabi, hot pepper, as does alcoholic drinks and carbonation...some fruits if it's on an empty pouch Orange juice or apple juice, pineapple...I have to dilute most fruit juices...and sugar on an empty pouch will also burn my pouch...I usually drink water to dilut/wash out whatever it is that burns...Wasabi has been known to leave me aching for a that keeps me in line when munching on my favorite snack "wasabi peas"...Otherwise I could probably just graze on them all day long...But I have to limit them because of the 'burning" they cause me! Hope that answers your question..
   — .Anita R.

January 18, 2009
hi anita about the burn.I had the lapband 1 year ago i have alot of acid reflux and i take something for it however i stopped taking it for a few days and now whenever I eat something, when the food goes down it hurts and than I get a buring feeling for a few mintues and than it goes away.. I also am burbing alot
   — phyllis312

January 18, 2009
I had burning with everything except popsicles. Water was the worst -go figure. I can only tell you that I am now 5 1/2 weeks out and it is starting to get better. At first, I was not eating or drinking enough because the burn hurt so bad that I was avoided both. Find what works best, try different temperatures and different flavors and go to town with what works until you get some more time under your belt. Good luck
   — makidd

January 18, 2009
Oh I forgot to look and see what surgery you had! Sorry! I usually do check because lap band and RNY are soooo different for the most part...With your stomach in still have acid and that's probably some acid reflux into the top part of your banded "pouch"! It's quite common for lapbanders to complain of mild to severe acid reflux...I'm honestly not sure but I have heard people say that their surgeons had to adjust the band to stop this from happening...But someone with the band might know better as to what helps! But ask your doc to be certain! There's no reason to suffer with all the meds and help out there!
   — .Anita R.

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