Nail biting

i know this is a stupid question, but did anyone bite their nails before and found you can't after surgery? i have a bad habit since childhood.    — Godsvirtuoswoman (posted on August 4, 2008)

August 4, 2008
so is this a good thing that you cant or a bad thing that you cant?
   — Kimberlin Katayama

August 4, 2008
I bit mine before and I still do, so there is not cure for nail biting. RNY WLS cures a lot of other issue whoever, which are more serious.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 4, 2008
I, too, have had this bad habit since childhood. After my RNY I was able to stop. I guess I figured I had a brand new life and could change that too. My nails looked great until I became overwhelmed with stress again then no longer being able to use food to console me I started to bite my nails again. I am working on not doing it anymore now before I return to school and the stress begins. Best wishes for health and happiness always, and great looking nail too!
   — djfoz

August 4, 2008
I find that if I keep my nails done at the beauty shop. You know there false. If keeps me from biting them, and they look really good.
   — pugsley101

August 5, 2008
I stongly disagree that this surgery doesn't stop people from biting their nails. I have bit my nails so bad ever since I can remember. While I was in the hospital after my surgery I stopped biting them and haven't since. Now when I get nervous or stressed I will pick at them with other nails but they are still long and I keep them polished. My surgeon told me that sometimes when they do this surgery on you stomach it changes you mind also. I definitely beleive this to be true. I have experienced it personally.
   — Brenda R.

August 5, 2008
I don't think it is either a bad or good thing....It just 'IS"...I was a nail biter from early childhood to my late 20's and I began soul searching about that time...I think facing many of my demons and accepting the past helped me to not need that habit anymore. As I grew into a new person who understood myself, forgave myself for mistakes or for blame that was not mine to bear...I was able to lose weight even. It was not until I forgave the person who truly hurt me...that I was able to quit smoking...That's when the weight gain started and then
   — .Anita R.

August 5, 2008
Repost...last post would not load properly...Sorry I don't think it is either a bad or good thing....It just 'IS"...I was a nail biter from early childhood to my late 20's and I began soul searching about that time...I think facing many of my demons and accepting the past helped me to not need that habit anymore. As I grew into a new person who understood myself, forgave myself for mistakes or for blame that was not mine to bear...I was able to lose weight even. It was not until I forgave the person who truly hurt me...that I was able to quit smoking...That's when the weight gain started and then the health issues from rapid weight gain sent me and my body out of control and I got very very sick and morbidly obese. So...some bad habits are a comfort that often times when you quit, you replace it with a new bad habit. I always seem to transfer addictions to food. I'd probably worry about sharp jagged edges of nails in your pouch if you are having RNY and getting caught in the stoma...that could be a nightmare! ...I always kept my nails bit down so far that there was barely anything to chew...let alone swallow...and often times I'd spit out the nail! LOL Ewww! I forgot what that used to be like! Thanks for the memories! J/K
   — .Anita R.

August 5, 2008
I bit my nails up until I became a nurse! LOL! I guess it was the constant handwashing & gloves. :0D I don't know about it related to surgery though. It might make you nauseous and be a deterrent. If you still bite them post op don't swallow them. I'd hate for one of them to get caught in a fresh incision line & give you an infection immediately post op! - GOOD LUCK !!! - - former fellow nail- biter !!!
   — MAG

August 5, 2008
I 'm also a lifetime nailbiter. I found it more difficult after having a fixed dental bridge put in, but kept at it and managed to find a way. Recently I found out that putting Nutra Nail cream on my fingers - on, around, & under my nails - made the skin softer and even my short nails look pretty good. And the only stupid or dumb question is the one no one ever asks...
   — sem51

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