two wks out from gastric bypass burning
i had my lap gastric bypass two wks ago i am burning real bad when i move in my left side front of stomach nurse said that was where he pulled my colan through at i have had some gas but am still burning please has anyone experienced this — nana46 (posted on May 6, 2008)
May 5, 2008
Don't think it was pulling of the colen, but if you had your surgery where
you had 6 small insisions, then it is the insision that is the largers or
maybe 1-1/2 to 2". That is where the majority of the sergical
equipment go through and that includes the camera, laser and other items.
Because it is the largers insision it hurts the worse. That is also where
they sewed the stomach to the wall in a RNY. Take a half dose of pain
medication during the day to aid the pain reduction, but do not go back to
bed. Despite the pain, do a small amount of excersize. Just do a little
at first, maybe 10 minutes of walking then tomorrow do 11 monutes and each
day add just one more minute. You will feel better. It is all worth it.
Looking back, I had a bad 6 weeks to start, but today I would od it all
over again, if I had to. Best of success to you.
— William (Bill) wmil
May 5, 2008
The left side largest incision is where most of the work was done, and gets
a lot more irritated than the rest of the incisions. I had the same thing.
It went away after a couple of weeks. Talk to your doctor about pain meds
get you through. Good Luck!
— Shirley D.
May 6, 2008
i know exactly what you mean. the incision under my left breast was very
painful and BURNED!!! i asked my surgeron why and he told me that that
incision is where they use the largest tool and do the most manuvering of
muscles,etc. the best thing to do...or what i found the most helpful, is to
support it by firm pressure when moving or turning from side to side and
WALKING!! beleive it or not walking will help with the soreness! i am a
nurse and we get pt's up right after surgeries and they look at us like we
are crazy, but then once they do it a few times they realize it really does
help the soreness and with stomache surgeries it helps the gas pains!!!!
good luck and just think the pain is only gonna last a little while and
it's all up hill from will be so glad you had the surgery!!!
hope this helps...Holly
May 7, 2008
My first thought was the incision - the stitching and scarring. You are
pretty fresh out of surgery, so it's to be expected. If the pain is too
bad or continues, definitely see your doctor. When is your follow-up?
— gonnadoit
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