
I hae terrible gas....It comes at night, and I am a bone-head who keeps forgetting to call my doctor! I know they have gas-x in a strip now....please a lot of pain!    — Lisa S. (posted on May 5, 2008)

May 5, 2008
Tummy mint herbal tea works great for gas or stomach problems.
   — jjeanniespets1

May 5, 2008
Hey Girlfriend, I use the Gas-X strips all the time and it works great for me. I hope it helps you too.
   — LuvNSummer

May 5, 2008
I had RNY one week ago today and a friend who had the surgery a year ago recommended Infants' Mylicon drops (gas relief for babies). They work very well. Y
   — Y. Carroll

May 5, 2008
Probiotics (Same stuff as in yogurt, but in tablet form)...It's natural and destroys the bad flora in your intestines and keeps working. Nice thing too is if you are lactose intolerant helps with the gas that whey and dairy causes a lot of people post op...High sugar foods and bad carbs are the favorite food of gas causing bacteria watch your intake of bad carbs...that helps... Good luck
   — .Anita R.

May 5, 2008
Phazyme is the strongest anti-gas remedy out there and it comes in chewables.
   — hippie_chick

May 6, 2008
Usually when you have gas that bad, it is because you ate something that is not agreeing with your new system. Think over what you ate for that day, and don't eat it the next day and see if that helps. It might not be medication that you need, just simply keeping track of what messes your system up and staying away from it. Good Luck! Danette Christiansen
   — Danette C.

May 6, 2008
i used gas-x directly after my surgery and it comes in chewable tablets...they work wonders...hope this helps..Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

May 6, 2008
Im 3 weeks post-op I've used the strips almost since I've come home. They work great.
   — speedy079

May 6, 2008
I personally think the Gas-X strips are disgusting, but the chewables aren't bad at all.
   — dolphinchick

May 7, 2008
GasX, Mylicon, and Phazyme are all the same thing---simethicone. It won't hurt you but it probably won't help you much. Simethicone is an anti-foaming agent that works by reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles, which causes them to form big bubbles that can be eliminated by burping. It helps you get rid of gas faster, but does not prevent it or make it go away. It is not effective for gas that has already reached the intestine. Call your doc! :) The best you can do for yourself is figure out which foods cause you gas... dairy is often a major culprit as are beans and some vegetables. Lactaid and Beano can help prevent gas. Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

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