Re-assurances on stretching pouch... having weak moments/days

Hi all, thanks so much for all the questions and answers that are posted by everyone. I learn so much from you all! I'm feeling worried about "stretching the pouch," I sometimes feel like I have totally convinced myself that at only three months out (Laproscopic RNY) I have stretched my pouch. I'm constantly worried about it. To date I've lost 67 lbs as of last weigh-in (been a few days), and over 45 inches. I am very happy with my results but I still feel like I've ruined this tool and that's the one thing I am trying my hardest not to do. However, I do slip from time to time (the human thing for those of you who have managed to go forward without a hitch or bump in the road) road seems to have a lot of bumps and I'm not always so strong. I am well aware of the "tool" facts and I appreciate the surgery as an opportunity to use the tool and make life better for me (all the way around) but there is still that human factor that I cannot escape...failures from time to time. These failures always lead me to believe I've messed myself (surgery) up beyond use. Thank you all, Leslie    — LuvNSummer (posted on February 24, 2008)

February 24, 2008
Don't be so hard on yourself. Stick to the basics--keep moving--and pat yourself on the back for your achievement. I am proud of you for your weight loss. I want you to be healthy and happy. God Bless.
   — Ambitious

February 24, 2008
You know we are all human and have bumps in the road, i have not loss as much as I thought I would but I had alot of stress,sickness,and problem. I am retaining fluid and can not take fluid pills. I just dust of my butt and go again. I live in rural area and it cold and nearest gym 45 min away with gas as it is. I do my best to exercise at home, walk throw the malls or wal-mart at night. I have just seen in my self that I have more energy then before, I now up and going, something I did not due before so it been slow going. But I think I got it down, I am Revision RYN on June 25,2007 from start until now I lost 73 lds. then I hit a few stand stills, just keep going, and cong. on the weight loss. we can always go back to basic and start again.
   — carman

February 24, 2008
A good healthy fear of re-gain is probably a good thing, but you have to try really abuse your eating to stretch your pouch (like eating really fast too soon and power drinking water or carbonated drinks with your meals). Don't start bad habits that you don't think will hurt you. In a few years you will be back asking how to lose the 20-100 lbs you gained back... When you keep making the same mistakes and don't get off that bumpy road you say you are on a lot, you better start re-evaluating your eating habits. If you indulge now and then...that's nothing to beat yourself up over. Follow those rules and your amazing success will continue to bring you joy! Being human is one thing...being destructive to yourself another...Stay on top of yourself and stay honest to you! Good luck.
   — .Anita R.

February 24, 2008
You are doing great. My theory is if you gain weight you know what to do and go back to the diet or ways to lose weight. I consider this a tool not a diet and I eat what I want to enjoy. Again if I gain some weight I know I need to cut some of those carbs out and go back toward more of the 25 fats, 100 carbs 70 protein 64 ounces of water ect...
   — tl_morgan

February 24, 2008
   — lehigh

February 24, 2008
I know how you feel. I worry too but then my "pouch" has a way of letting me know its still working nausea-especially when I over eat or drink water too soon after a meal. I don't want to abuse this "tool" either and I feel like sometimes I do but like the other's have said I remember what got me here and how to use my new "tool" effectively and then I do it. Good luck on your weight loss and remember we're all here for you.
   — TrevaDeck150

February 24, 2008
Hi Leslie, thanks for writing. It sounds like you are doing just fine. Everyones pouch will stretch, the stomach is made to expand and stretch, so it will. I am almost 4 years out, and have gone from eating small amounts of food to eating half meals most of the time. Sometimes I don't want to eat, and sometimes I eat more than I think I should, but I eat normal amounts of food for a small person at this part of my life. I think that is perfectly normal. It is the types of foods and the quantity of food. Diet, exercise and water should play a part in my day each day to bring balance. Weight loss has always been about diet/exercise and water. Making good choices, moderation in all things, learning to say no to myself and dealing with the head issues that make me want to not say no. It is a battle, and we take one day at a time. Sounds like you are doing that, so you are doing ok. Walk with caution, follow the rules, and all things in moderation. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

February 25, 2008
You are doing great! (I'm 10 weeks out and have lost 50 pounds.) Try your best to stick to your food plan. Food issues don't go away with the surgery, so make sure to get counseling (and join a support group if that's your style). We all slip at certain times... just don't get into the habit (or start making excuses). I think you are doing great and acknowledge when you are getting off track. That's a fantastic start to success!!!
   — gonnadoit

February 25, 2008
It is hard to strech the pouch in the first few months. Just ask your Doctor. You are losing great and I would just stay focused on the positives and stay with your program and not worry about what may have happened. Most likely you think that because you can eat more at a meal then you could the first or second month, but the fact it, you can as you heal, and food slides through the ouch better now then when you first had the surgery. Just make sure that you are not drinking liquids with the meal or for 1 hours following, and just don't eat as much soft or slidder food as you use to. stick more to solids and just chew it well. Best of suces toyou. You are doing great!
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 25, 2008
As others above have written, we ALL slip off the track from time to time. I know I do. Usually when I do though, I will have an episode of the "dumping syndrome" to remind me that I did not follow the rules. I love the dumping syndrome. Why? Because I hate it! When I do get off track by eating too much at a sitting, it's really not enough to stretch my pouch beyond acceptable limits. My "rules" for myself are: (1) Pre-load with 8-12 ounces of water 30 min. prior to a meal, (2) do not drink (water or anything else) during a meal or 30-60 min after a meal, (3) measure the volume of a meal by comparing it with my fist, (4) Eat my fistful as fast as I can, being sure to chew very well before swallowing. ** Eating the measured amount fast and without fluid to wash it through gives me a feeling of fullness (because my pouch has stretched RAPIDLY to the "I'm full now" limit, but not much beyond that) so that I'm not still hungry when I've finished a meal. ** Sometimes, since I'm human, I violate my self imposed rules: eat too fast, have something to drink during a meal, swallow too fast before thoroughly chewing, etc.. When I break the rules, my "traffic cop" (dumping syndrome) lets me know that I've been a bad girl and it's off to the toilet to barf -- not a thing I like to do. My next several meals usually go okay until I "forget" again and once again get stung by my traffic cop. So YES Leslie, I too encounter "bumps in the road", but the bumps are just that and not giant concrete barriers that I crash through (which indeed COULD damage my pouch). I just try not to encounter a "bump" with EVERY meal. Doing these things, I have been very successful at weight loss with only minor episodes of regaining a few pounds once in a while (usually when I'm sick with the flu or something). Good luck! I hope my words are of help to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 25, 2008
Leslie, You really should ask your doctor at your next appointment for his opinion. Just remember we're not perfect, or else we wouldn't be here having to go through this. Nobody is perfect. Try not to stress about it. Drink more liquids when you feel like grabbing a snack to eat.
   — Cari_C

February 25, 2008
Leslie, Relax and dont worry yourself! I have lost 248 lbs in 1 year and i feel that way too... the "tool" is the greatest tool you have. But your will power along with the tool is great. Just regroup and think back. You are worth more than food. remember eat to live dont live to eat! E me anythime you need to talk. Bob [email protected]
   — obx100

February 26, 2008
Hi Leslie - I think we are all afraid of that. I am 16 mos out. I've made it a practice to weight and measure my food. It is working and hope it continures. I try to eat low fat low sugar foods. I read read read lables before I eat anything when I can. If I am not sure I just watch how much I eat of it. Some times I feel like I could eat more but I waite and then thank God I didn't cause I still get that full feeling. Keep up the good work and enjoy the journey.... Best of Luck
   — niecie54

February 27, 2008
Hi Leslie, I just had the lapband surgery four weeks ago, but my mother-in-law had the RNY three years ago. One of the tools that I purchased to help me stay motivated is the CDs called the 10 Successful habits of WLS patients. In one of the CD's it mentions the "cottage Cheese" test that you can use to see what the approximate size of your pouch. I believe it is where you get a new container of cottage cheese and eat all the cottage cheese that you can comfortably eat until you feel full and then fill the remainder of the cottage cheese tub with water to see how many ounces you displaced. I believe they say the range could be anywhere from 6 to 9 oz. Even so, you should still be losing weight if you follow all the other habits which we have all heard over and over....exercise, eating healthy, drinking water, keeping a support network, etc. I put all the CD's on my ipod so I could listen during the commute in the morning. Congrats on your success so far. Think positive. You are making the changes in your life to live!! Enjoy!
   — Bigwyfan1964

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